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Westfield World Copy Deadline Reminder

Captain Colonial

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Yes, it's your friendly quarterly reminder that the copy deadline for the Spring issue of Westfield World is fast approaching, just over two weeks from now on Valentine's Day, 14th February.  Please get your submissions in as soon as you can - thank you. :)

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Good boy. Now go clean your room. ;)

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"I love deadlines, I like the whoosing sound they make as they fly by..."



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That's the sound of the Mem sec swooping past on his broom...

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Not quite...


kbm.jpg    msy.jpg


:667125_1:  :cool:  :laugh:

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I've don't think I've ever met a deadline at work, probably because the deadline has always passed before I get the job.

The only deadlines I do meet are all Westfield related, like trackdays.

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Your polite but pushy reminder - WW copy deadline is only 9 days away.


I know that our editor Peter has a great deal on his plate at the moment, so it would be a huge help to him if you send your submissions sooner, rather than our standard last-minute panic on the day, leaving him a mountain of editing to do in a short space of time.


Thanks chaps :t-up:

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Just sent mine to Peter ;)

:o :o I'm only just sitting down now to start writing mine :oops:
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Short and sweet mine was ;)

Is there anything about dashboards in it :d:oops:

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We bump this reminder thread back to the top to annoy you, and to make things generally irritating for you. :t-up:

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I've got one nerve left and you're standing on it......ok already, just have to add the pics! Happy now mother...lol

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