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Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

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If you’ve been following some of the threads connected with the club magazine over the last year, you’ll know that the whole committee have been looking in to ways to make it even better. You will also, perhaps have seen that our esteemed Membership and Club Secretaries, Scott and David, have been meeting with, and discussing ideas with, our mags editor and publisher, Peter Osborne.


We’ve already been enjoying some of the fruits of this, with a change in the flavour of the magazine, featuring more of a blend between the social and technical sides of the club.


However, a few things do keep cropping up when we button-hole the AO’s for the views from our local meets, and indeed, we see the same feedback, here on the Forum. “I submitted an article, but never heard anything else, and it was never published”, or, "I submitted an article about an event we did in the summer, and it wasn’t published till the following spring" and a more general, “I’d like to see more of…”


This is where the next change comes in! With effect from the summer edition of Westfield World, Mark Wendon – Smokey Mow and myself are now going to be acting as sub-editors; this will not only help take some of the load off Peter, who will carry on doing his excellent work as editor. But will also help us as a club, keep the focus of the magazine where we want it! It will also, hopefully, allow us to give a little bit more feedback on submitted material.


Of course, this also means that Mark and I will know what you’ve been up to on the Boardroom and at events! So don’t be surprised if we come calling, and hinting at a little write up for the magazine…

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We'll update you with more detail nearer the time. The arrangements for the very next issue of Westfield World will be as before.


Now, who shall I go and pester for an article first....



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Dave I'll submit one post July on Steve Farrimond, 1313 and my journey to Classic Le Mans in the Westfields if its of interest

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That'd be perfect Matt! Thanks.

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Thanks for posting Dave :t-up: I just hope I know what I'm letting myself in for :d

But all joking aside, by taking a more active role in the magazine and working alongside Dave I'm optimistic we can both support Peter in delivering a magazine and content that best reflects the activities of this club and its membership.

Hopefully our involvement will also help to generate a renewed interest in the magazine and contributions from our members, both with articles and also your ideas for future issues.

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Very pleased Dave and Mark are stepping in to work with Peter on the mag, great stuff gents.  Their knowledge of both AO activity and technical brains suit the roles perfectly, and can assist Peter in ensuring time-sensitive articles get published in the appropriate issues.  In addition, they can provide feedback to authors on their submissions and work with the other AOs to encourage them and their members to contribute more.


I hope everyone also looks at the past issues in the Downloads section for ideas and direction and communicate with the team.


We will also be tapping our sponsors for technical articles of interest.


Well done Dave and Mark, thank you.  :t-up:

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Anyone approached AB Performance to be a 2014 Sponsor?

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Anyone approached AB Performance to be a 2014 Sponsor?


I believe Mark Stanton, who handles Sponsors and Promotions, has done so Terry, but please feel free to PM him, he's in here most days. :)

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