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Nice weather here today.......westie was out!


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As the weather was nice here decided to give the westie a 'run'.......been a while and forgot how much fun and fast it is!

Anyway, thats todays fun over with.....

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I wish I could have taken advantage of the nice weather, oh well won't be too much longer before she's back together :d





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Out today nice to have a short drive tyres no where near warm enough (a032s) but still was a good run. Took my son to a birthday party in it. Both of us wrapped up warm but I forgot my gloves. Hopefully it won't be too long before more regular runs.

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Temps next wk should be back at the plus side of the scale, snow almost gone, tally ho.....

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Went out today, came back home within a few mins as the roads were too slippery and even with a little dab of acceleration the back end was going!

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6 and a half weeks to summer :) :) :)

Well March 1st and that's a start in my eyes ;)

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Yesterday roads were dry then go into s shaded bit if road and it all got a bit tricky! Thing is I think all year driving will make me more skilled even if it does challenge me a bit too far at times!!

I really enjoy it I am so glad I sold my Vw camper for a Westy!

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Yesterday roads were dry then go into s shaded bit if road and it all got a bit tricky! Thing is I think all year driving will make me more skilled even if it does challenge me a bit too far at times!!

I really enjoy it I am so glad I sold my Vw camper for a Westy!

Couldn't agree more. It is good to experience and practise the delicate touch required to drive this type of car when the going gets cold/damp/slippy. You never know when you might need to call upon the skills - after all, most of us live in Blighty!!!
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I managed 300 miles in mine today - mostly A-roads to yeovil and back - loved it ….

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