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Now this is a production line; and an epilogue...

Man On The Clapham Omnibus

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At the other end of the life of just one of those aircraft:






I have visited the site a couple of times, and also have climbed Slioch which is the mountain which the aircaft clipped before going on to its end at the Fairy Lochs. It seems unbearably poignant that these men - mostly boys in reality - had survived the war and were on their way home when this tragedy happened.

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Thanks for that, interesting video and didn't know this sad story at all.


If you are ever going in that direction, I recommend you stop and visit the American War Cemetery at Cambridge.  There's an equally sad story in a book at in the Visitors Building about an airmen who successfully brought back his heavily damaged bomber after a raid over Germany, with one foot hanging on only by a tendon, saving the lives of his crew, only for the plane evacuating him back to the States to disappear over the Atlantic.

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We had a Canadian air base at Croft before it became the circuit. One airman returning realised he wasnt going to make it diverted his Aircraft from Darlington town centre and crashed into some farmland saving many lives but ending his own. As the town expanded towards where the plane crashed they named a new road Mcmullen road in his memory.

There is also a plaque remembering the Sqaudron on the race control outside wall.

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