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AeroDynamix Boxing Day


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Just though I'd share what I've been up to today. AeroDynamix diffuser.







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Neat. Will have to have a shufty next time we catch up and you've got it...

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They're really good, unless you need to take a wheel off


At the end closest the front, you attach a small u shaped aluminium beam. This acts as a hook to hold the front end of the diffuser.

At the back you utilise the brackets for the spare wheel carrier. You then fit an old school bonnet catch. One either side.

Then still and fit the bonnet catch to the diffuser.

Once fitted its a 10 second job to remove the whole diffuser.

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I found a diffuser made a huge difference to stability at speed and stopped my front end getting really light above a certain speed.

I had a thead on making and fitting one. I drilled into chassis with 6mm holes, used a tap to make threads then just used silicone on top of holes in diffuser (to stop water and rattles) then put a bolt/washer in. However I now have the old school bonnet pins instead, to allow easy access to check fuel lines and diff.

I notice that you have no strakes on your diffuser, during my research it commented on their effectiveness in several sources. I fitted 6 strakes (including 2 outer edge fins).

I do like the looks of the Aerodynamix diffuser and after deciding Ali would be better than GRP, I have now realised that it wouldn't make too much difference either way.

Little shot of mine.


Just to show. Would be great to switch and swap to see difference between two. I doubt very much there would be any noticeable difference at all though.

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Excellent Steve , always nice to see parts fitted . Nice looking car by the way ;)


There are some photo's on the website of the underside fittings on the website as per the link as per Steve's description :




Excellent to use the ramps whilst fitting so the suspension is not in droop ;)


Edited to add strakes are on the to do list but it's a pretty long list at the moment :(

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Ouch those ramps are nice, but also carry a nice price tag!

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Those ramps are a great, must get some.


like diffuser idea, will it make me go faster? or is just a styling feature?

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The manual versions of these style ramp have a bit of a reputation for being a pig to put up and take down. 

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thanks for the comments on the car.


I would like the Strakes, but i'm sure the whole thing looks a lot better, than performs.


Ceriloi - I think this will just be in your head surely? I don't believe the car will handle any better with this attached.


the ramps are great and available to lend if your local. personaly I wouldn't get another set, there great for the above task and servicing. everything else requires wheels off and therefore renders the ramps useless.


it takes about 30 secs to pump the ramps up. i really wouldn't want to use a ratchet.

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Steve - these will be ideal when you help me with my diffuser, and bushes, and bearings, and steering mounts, and .... :-)

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