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bev just caught santa and santa dog


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he hadnt emptied his sack all year wuv

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Was he wearing a Mankini underneath :d :D

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Was he wearing a Mankini underneath :d :d


Oh God, as if that piccie wasn't scary enough  :bangshead:  :bangshead:  :bangshead:


Think I just became Santa-phobic!


have a great day Steve, well as good as you can after Bev see's the overalls. You're braver than I thought...  :oops:  :d  ;)

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Need a picture of him with his marigolds on and his feather duster, because I think ther may be payback when Bev sees the overalls !

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You really don't understand. Him in his Santa outfit, Bev in her overall (I hope he had the sense to get the bib and braces type) and they can habve lots of fun then.

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Didn't you get the dog overalls and why not train him to answer the phone.

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you cant teach an old dog new tricks wuv , he's 12 today

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So? I'm supposed to learn new trick every day and I'm 67!


You could teach him.


One woof is yes

two woofs is no

and three or more is Eff off.

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Which one is Santa Dog?

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the tall one wuv

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