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more time spent wasted at hospital today


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From what I see on the BBC the root of the problem is waiting times for the doctors. 


Nearly every day the Government announce another sticking plaster to fix the problem.


Firstly, I think it needs far more then sticking plasters and secondly why are the Government trying to fix it, it's not their job. Just make all the so called managers redundant and appoint the doctors to run their departments. With all the extra millions they'll have (saving of managers wages) they should be able to sort it pretty quickly.


As for the GPs they need sorting out as well. I would impose new contracts that ensure they take responsibility for the patients they get paid for.

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Sorry, forgot to say that you should be seeking medical advice on this Steve. We don't want you back in hospital again.


Or the morgue.

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Steve. I know you shouldn't have to but If need be just pay to have a private consultation. It could be the best money you have ever spent.





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And make sure you close for Christmas and relax.  It's the one time of the year people will expect you to be shut so take advantage of it.

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Agree with XTR2 Turbo & Steve, if you haven't got private insurance, then just pay for proper consultation, you would spend it on a car. Spend it on yourself, there ain't no point having a great car if you aren't there to drive it !!!!

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What Nick said...

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I agree with the above of course, but Mankini Muppet always does the opposite of what he's told to do, so to get him to do the right thing, I'm advising him to overdo it, drink like a fish, get no sleep, eat junk food, let work aggrevate him and rule his life, and in general be a total twit.


That should do it. :d

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Steve, how are you today mate? Feeling any better? I agree with xtr2 And all comments. I lost a close friend last month and it pains us every day. You are a top bloke and despite the Mankini we wuv you. :-) James and debs x

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To put all this in to perspective, Mark, the chairman of RHOCaR (the Robin Hood owners club) ran his own garage, was a family man with wife and 2 kids. He was always working and 2 weeks ago suddenly, for no apparent reason, died at work. As far as I know he was healthy. He was in his early 40s. This was a sad day for RHOCaR. Look after yourself so the WSCC doesn't have its own sad day.

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cheers for all the advice etc , feeling ok today but im up and down most weeks ,just need a beer now and monday i will ring the docs and see if i can get in before easter ,just hate waisting time when i have work to do

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Steve mate, get yourself an mot!! If you sell those two 4x4's tek the money and get into somewhere private and have a consultation. And think of the best bloke you know in your trade and recruit them so you can earn while they work for you while you get sorted - I speak from experience having broken myself for nearly ten years. Look after number 1 and that's you. :-)

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