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more time spent wasted at hospital today


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spent a few hours at hospital in a&e today after a spell not feeling great ,sat there very patient after telling them what happened in jan and told em my head  felt fuzzy and my eyes were not great  ,i sat there and waited and waited and in the end

gave up and went back to work :down:  they were more interested with cut fingers and johny foreigners ,i wont bother again ,i'll just have a brew and put my feet up for a while :laugh:

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Jeez, Steve, knowing that you don't give in easily, if you felt bad enough to go you should have at least waited until they'd fully checked you out!


(lecture over)


Hope you're feeling better now.  TAKE IT EASY.

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tbh i have given up with the hospital  there a waste of time even in jan they were crap and there still crap , like i said last time if my name was davieski i would have been straight in and sorted

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Take it easy wuv ski.. I might need your spiritual guidance on my duratec rebuild :-)

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You may get better treatment booking in with your GP rather than A & E.

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Harry, he;d get better treatment with my vets - Town and Country in Market Harborough if you need em Wuv  :)  :yes:

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Telling him to take it easy is pointless, the dozy haystack doesn't pay attention until he's flat on his back, seeing double and talking twaddle, which is his default position except for the flat on his back bit, if you want him to do the right thing and take it easy, take his computer and phone off him and lock him in a van with a mattress and a mankini and 24 cans of beer for a few hours, he'll be right as rain

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Steve, You are running flat out once again. Your workrate is huge and clearly you are still not 100%. Instead of getting angry that others have been prioratised, be patient and see the Doctor and demand to be referred to a specialist in strokes and the do what they say.

You need to get this sorted once and for all other wise you may well die sooner than anyone would want. I cannot put it any simpeler than that, we all know what you are like wanting to work and admire that but you are human and the next attack might be the last one. Please seek the right help

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What Jeff said. Times 2.

You really need to get this sorted. GP, referral to specialist...

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take it easy wuv. maybe the mankini is too tight. best get a bigger size  :d

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Could always phone the docs Steve !!!

As long as u don't mind waiting 3 more weeks......

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