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my Christmas has started


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I should think so, another fine article and photos n the calendar, good stuff  :t-up:  :cool: 

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Got mine yesterday.


I'm sitting in the corner sulking as the article about the gites was forgotten.


Never mind, I'll post it over Christmas and Peter promises he won't forget next issue.

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Are you sucking your thumb? Do you still have a thumb? Can't remember which digits are still okay...

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Are you sucking your thumb? Do you still have a thumb? Can't remember which digits are still okay...


PMSL :laugh: 

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Yes, I still have two thumbs in, almost, perfect working order. But, no, I'm not sucking either of them, I leave that to Scott. :)

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I'm not sucking your thumbs... I know where they've been. ;)  :laugh:

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Well I was going to say they may have been up my jacksie but thought it may offend the sensitive shrinking violets among us.


Are you sure you don't want to suck parts of me, Scott?

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Well I was going to say they may have been up my jacksie but thought it may offend the sensitive shrinking violets among us.


Are you sure you don't want to suck parts of me, Scott?


QUITE sure, thanks. :suspect:  :swear:  :ghostface: 

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Oh dear, and I thought you were such an accommodating type of chap.

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We all have limits...!


I am, however, willing to use a Hoover on any piles of loose cash or bank accounts you might have.

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He keeps most of that stuff in his pants pockets...you wanna go in there????

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He keeps most of that stuff in his pants pockets...you wanna go in there? ???


Going in there with a Hoover nozzle is fine...it's the sifting of the money from the other stuff I may have to outsource.

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How do you know where I keep that stuff.... Oh, I remember now, you were here, weren't you.


Scott, I'm afraid I don't have any loose anything, it's all tied up (or down). But you're welcome to pop over and have a look.

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