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Vintage Stoney Stratford meet


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HNY James.   Windy said he would probably still go in his blue escort so you might see him there.



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I seem to recall that Stoney Stratford was where the phrase "dangler and bull story" originated from, because that was the name of either the two pubs in the town, and there was a competition between them as to who could tell the tallest tale.


Don't tell anyone from Stony Stratford but there's little to support the claim other than the proximity of two pubs with the appropriate names.  There are several much more likely origins.  The most likely is that it comes from an old fable of the 14th or 15th century about talking animals.  There is a french equivalent, a "dangler" to donkey story that tends to support this.  Never mind though, it's a nice story.  PS: It's still chucking it down here.

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I made it!!!! In the westy!!! 07811207274 if anyone is still about!!! James

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You must be bonkers James, I'm just a few miles away and it's chucking it down ( well side ways ) outside  :down:

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Marto, I should have put the roof on really. :-( nice ride out mind - enabled me to test my traction control :-)

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Well done James, all credit to you for being out there in this weather. I wanted to go but my car is in bits all over the house at the moment. There should be a spin-off group for the all-weather users to organise some 'out of season' blats together. Any excuse to get out more....


I left a local music club at 12:45am last week, then went home in the tin-top, got my Megablade out and had a late night blat, then picked my son up from a party at 2am. It was great fun, nice quiet roads, and I scared a few taxi drivers along the way.  :d



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Roger, Hi mate, I was jesting with Marto.


The day was very well attended with many vintage and classic sports cars.  Lots of interesting tin-tops as well.  Its a really good get together.


I had the roof on and side screens, gore tex trousers and jacket, russian hat, gloves, scarf.


I got in the car, then gaffer taped up the passenger side door and stuffed all crevices with shammy leather pieces I have for the purpose.  Treated the inside of the screen with rain-x, then stuffed tissue into the windscreen/hood interface.


Set off from home. travelled 1 mile and noticed needed fuel.  Pulled into garage, crawled out the car on my knees and filled with petrol.  Got back in - repeated everything above.


Headed down from Northampton via Salcey Forest.  Avoided puddles but got a wet elbow.  Interestingly at any speed over 50mph all my tissue fillets (now wet with water) were blown inwards as if by a pressure washer.  (note to self - wipe condensation every 3 minutes from inside of windscreen and side screens.


After about 20 minutes I found a section of road to put my foot down a bit - car felt very light and visibility was about as good as if i was in a fish tank looking out.


Arrived at Stony with the car covered in horse manure, leaves , wet tissue and sodden but of shammy leather that all fell out when I opened the side screen.  Got out the car, well climbed out the door one leg at a time with an audience - was rather embarrassing.


Had a stroll about and repeat above on the way home. 


Did I get drenched ? not really, was it a hair raising drive on A048 tyres? yes, did i enjoy it - of course !!!

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Sounds like you would have been better without the roof!! Just drill some holes in the floor and wear a wetsuit...... Mine's ok with just the aeroscreen, no windscreen to mist up, its just frustrating sitting at the lights! I've got A021R's which are pretty good in the wet, but still very tail happy at junctions. Santa got me a skid-lid for Crimbo so that should make it more comfy in the wet. Still, great that you got out at all. Nice one.  :yes:



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Well done James.


I'm off on hols tomorrow and had a lot of odds and sods to do and pack etc so didn't real have time to get all wet and then wash car when back etc etc.


Sounds like I missed a good meet.


As the M25 was closed on the way to office first thing I took a detour via Brooklands. Looked much quieter than usual.



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James, I've suspected you're completely barking for some time....now I know you are!  A credit to the Northants group.....I think....

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