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Small Front Lights?!?


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Who mentioned plumbing.??? What size copper pipeand do you need solder. I have yorkshire (naturally) fittings and compression but fail to see haow I can use them with wires to the headlights!!!!!!!!!!!

Your just winding me up again!

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  • Terry Everall


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  • Buzz Billsberry


I do laugh a lot, but it is rare to read something on the internet that truly gets me rolling around on the floor.


Absolutely superb Terry!

:p  :p  :p  :p  :p  :p

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Just got home and checked in garage in case it is not a wind up. I have all the bits including 8mm,15mm and 22mm tubing both copper and chrome to make it look nice. I have gas in the blow lamp, flux and plumbers mate ( boss white also in stock) Now when Ash send me the wiring details i can esily plumb it in cos I'm expert at that. Its just electrics that switch me off.

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Thought you'd have some micro-bore in stock somewhere  :D  :D  :D  :devil: Revver-end

I think Buzz is feeling left out  :devil:  :D  :devil:  :D

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I ain't feeling left out..just flushed out.. with a bad bout of food poisoning :(   :(  :(

Terry don't for get to use a 13amp flux capcitor between the ecu modem box and the warp trasducedrefactor which is at the back of the down pipe from the sump overflow. If not, YOU will be asimulated.

It should be in the instructions

Buzz :(

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Unfortunately, the instructions don't tell you how to modify the string inside the reticulating splunge grommet.......although it is quite simple once you get it apart. It's inside the self sealing stem bolt housing.......

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.....but opening that will only lead to a sub-retardant anomaly and that will cause the temporal magnifer  to resonate out of sequence with the string that's inside the reticulating slunge grommet? that's if its the mark I obviuosly!.. and we all know what that means :(  but it does depend on what the self sealing stem bolt revs to?

I'd speak to Wotbox before you atempt this Terry u know what your like with Electroplating

Buzz :cool:

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I knew you would all crack and take piy in the end. The instuctions will be most useful,but for what I am not quite sure. Should the subwoofer wire be connected at the top or bottom and should it pass through the 15mm copper tube before soldering to the inverted attitude alignment mechanism (bracket)to prevent dazzle when accelerating off the start line at 3 slappers. After all I do not want to ruin my 64ft time do I ? And another thing, will I need to remove existing chrome mega sized lamps or can I tandem fix or mount from beneath ( if you get my drift). I do not wany to upset my corner weights ( not that I know what they are) by unbalancing the front end and I also do not have a brake bias valve fitted to counter the change in load characteristic and aerodynamic effect produced. Comments welcomed in confidence

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Nah - just give em a reet ol belt wiv a bl**** grate BIG "ommer"  :D  :D  :D  :devil:  :devil:  :D

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Manchester screwdriver it is then

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