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Small Front Lights?!?


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Could someone tell me what options are open with regard to running small front head lights?

I have put it in this section as those of you that race will be the ones trying to cut down the drag factor!

I know the standard ones are 5", but I have seen a few pictures of what look like motorbike head lights.

I know they won't be legal but which ones fit, at what cost and from where?

Thanks in advance

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On a Race Car is Born he said smaller lights could knock 2 sec a lap off his time!

I've seen people with smaller ones that use them on the road, so would be interested in road legal ones myself.



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It probably makes more of a difference in circuit racing than sprints and hills  ;)  :D

But the small jobbies are much easier for when removing nosecone  ;)  ;)  and if you get the black ones you don't have that blinding reflection when the sun shines  :D  ;)

You need the ones with a sidelight fitted that do (just) pass an MOT  ;)  ;)  :)  Although I wouldn't recommend them if you drive a lot at night  ;)  ;)  :D  :)

MP in Swansea  ;)  :)  ;)

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I have gone thro' 2 MOT's with out any problems!! and as for using them at night I don't find the lights a problem. I can see very well with them...mind you the amount of carrots I get delivered and eat during a week I don't need any lights I can literally  see in the dark :p

Buzz :cool:

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Mr C-W - look at Scotts avatar = small black headlights  ;)  ;)  ;)  :)  :)  :)  ;)

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Phone number anyone?

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Thanks. I rang them and was told that these do not have sidelights fitted!

Anyone confirm or advise?


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Yes I was told that they are fitted with s/lights.

Scott, planning to do a couple of trackdays to get used to the car- They all seem to want car in mot spec though- hence the lights!

Dave O.

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