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rip nelson mandela


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a true hero

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He was an awesome guy and made SA a decent place to live

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Heard this just as I left the Zest. The world seems a slightly different place now. Hard to imagine such a powerful light for good has finally left us.

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Echo the sentiments above... astonishing mental fortitude and compassion, RIP.  A sad loss, but unfortunately inevitable at some point.


I do wonder how his passing will go down in SA.

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An amazing and humble man who made such a difference.  Remarkable to see the South African people in the streets singing and celebrating his life rather than in floods of tears...and to realise they now have the right to gather in the streets and do so thanks to his work.  Never thought I'd see the end of apartheid, and look where we are now.

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RIP Nelson Mandela.

A man who stood for his beliefs. Who was prepared to die for his beliefs. Whose beliefs are now finally (generally) accepted in Africa, and the rest of the world in general - and about time too.

However, is it right we should gloss over the life he led before he was locked up? He wasn't put in prison because of his beliefs (regardless how the media may now spin it), he was there because essentially he was murdering people...

Best not forget - RIP the innocent people he had a hand in killing too :-(

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A great hero and leader of the people has to rank alongside gandhi & martin luther king , he did all of that and more  :t-up:

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My view is different to yours!

The black population were treated little better than animals.

What would you have done?

Even white South Africans understand how he pulled the country together

What is harder to get details of is the tribal issues and the problems that caused in the black communities

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Terry, the vast majority of worlds population appears to have a different view to me. Unfortunately a large majority haven't got a clue what Mr Mandela used to get up to, and the media are glossing over when it is mentioned. Therefore he is a hero.

Mandela could even have left prison years earlier, if he agreed to publicly renounce violence.



And his (ex) missus? Absolute nutcase!!!!

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If you have been to South Africa you will see that even now the whites have the money and the big jobs and houses as well as the best education. Remember they had no vote and could not eat in the same places or travel on the same trains or buses. How the hell could they change anything peacefully?

When they demonstrated peacefully they were beaten and shot. 

You want to see some of the townships that the blacks live in on the outskirts of Capetown and Joburg etc to see the differences. He was a leo a lawyer so understood the law

That god you are in a minority

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I have sat here mulling Syu's first post over in my mind.


Should I raise a complaint to the management committee. Should I resign in protest. Should I just ignore it. Should I leave it for others to put the counter argument.


I find the post grossly offensive because it's wholly wrong. It sounds like the charges made by the minority white government at the time. Mandela never killed anyone. Unlike the state who killed hundreds, if not thousands in cold blood. Mandela preached peaceful demonstration until the Sharpeville massacre  showed him this wouldn't work.He asked for a campaign against government installations and buildings.



However the matter that disturbs me most is that if anyone posts a mildly offensive post, like stating that 2 young men were driving at a speed that totally destroyed their car and themselves is critisised by a member of the committee, but a wholly inaccurate statement completely out of order in the context of the thread is left alone and not a peep is heard from the committee. 


Maybe Stu should read some serious unbiased history books.

Maybe the committee should  ask themselves if they may have made an error of judgement.

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I totally agree Norman

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