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Big black cats . .


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If i told you chaps that i saw an animal that resembled a black puma/couger/jaguar in the UK countryside, would you believe me ?


Ps. i aint on medication.

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I wouldn't immediately disbelieve you; there are the odd examples of big cats out there. It's just that most sightings turn out to be nothing of the sort.

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I'd toally believe you. Not far from me there's been a number of alleged sightings of big cats over recent years, I thought I'd seen something myself on one occasion.

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yes i saw what appeared to be a big black cat accross the yard from me and through railings ( about 250 yards ) ,i had to look twice at it but it was just a illusion , it still looked large when i carried on watching it but it was only a normal black cat


i do believe there are large cats out there

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There have been several sightings and evidence (poo) of a large cat on Bradfield moor.

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yes i saw what appeared to be a big black cat accross the yard from me and through railings ( about 250 yards ) ,i had to look twice at it but it was just a illusion , it still looked large when i carried on watching it but it was only a normal black cat


i do believe there are large cats out there


Are you sure it wasn't just Fraser out and about in his cat costume? (He's not allowed out in his spider man costume anymore)

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I'd believe you.  Ours now roams part of the Cheshire countryside.


Funniest thing ever was a confrontation between him and an ex-Police GSD.


From where we were stood you could see the pair of them about to meet at the corner of the barn but both oblivious to each other until they reached the corner practically nose-to-nose.  The simultaneous "what the devil???!!!???" on both faces was priceless.


Neither seemed to fancy taking the other on and both made a cautious retreat.


(He's not quite cougar size but, given when he lived indoors he could grab things off the worktop whilst stood on the floor, it certainly felt like he was when he jumped on your head first thing in the morning)

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Are you sure it wasn't just Fraser out and about in his cat suit? (He's not allowed out in his spider man costume anymore)


That's one link I won't be clicking!

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That's one link I won't be clicking!


its safe, but I need the brain bleach after Googling for it; some people have some seriously weird pastimes. And then they take photos. And then they post them on the net.  :o 

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some people have some seriously weird pastimes. And then they take photos. And then they post them on the net.  :o


... I suspect there's a thread just like this in a parallel universe where people are talking about those wierdos who take photos of themselves building/driving funny little plastic cars!  :laugh:   All that assuming you can type whilst wearing a cat costume? 

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There is/was one that roamed Brentwood. Spotted it in my parents garden some years back. 3 or so times larger than any domestic cat.

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I spotted a big black cat in Sheffield just now.


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Tigers have been reported before in Hampshire:


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Maine Coon ?????


Our is... don't have a picture at work, but he's a big beastie.  Top class hunter too, in spite of his size.

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