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now this i would like to see!


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pretty impressive as a demo 

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I was just reading about it on the Beed web site. Amazing if it happens

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Cool idea :cool: but I do wonder how it will cope with delivering to people who live in blocks of flats or ringing the door bell once it arrives at your house. :oops:

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Glad I'm moving house... one of these hovering outside the balcony until I get home from work might annoy the neighbours somewhat

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post codes would be useless and avoiding other flying machines could be tricky

Going from demo to a practical solution is the hard bit

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Jeff Bezos seems to be modelling himself on Michael O'Leary - let's some up with a daft idea and enjoy the publicity.

Great idea though - reminds me of Dan Dare strips from the early 60s.

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Our dog would have it lol

He likes the post man because he gives him biscuits, but can't see him getting on with that lol

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Come down to earth please. This could never happen.

Who's had a iPhone, tom tom or laptop on battery... How long does it last? I have a feeling health and safety will get involved and anyone within three miles of a house will need a hard hat!

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Come down to earth please. This could never happen.

Who's had a iPhone, tom tom or laptop on battery... How long does it last? I have a feeling health and safety will get involved and anyone within three miles of a house will need a hard hat!

of course it wont happen, not yet anyway. this is just amazon doing a "ryanair" think up of something vaguely believable for publicity. seems to be working well as its all over the place.


but then why wont it happen? the tech is in place. various police forces use them for surveillance etc. the drones themselves are pretty safe and easy to control. so why couldnt somewhere use them?


ok they are not going to do deliver to your door, they cant be much worse than yodel, but what about across an institution? if a passenger plane can land itself on auto why couldnt a drone deliver from set point A to set point B? google are testing driver-less cars with good success and little accidents.

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Only problem I can see is that the recipient will have to be in and watch out for the drone to arrive. Presumably the drone will telephone its arrival but you'll have to be quick to retrieve your package before someone else does.

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I think its a brilliant idea, just have to sort out the minor issue of people getting in the way and flight paths. Don't forget they all said the handsets held by Captain Kirk wouldn't catch on, how very wrong were they.


Bob :d

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This is my favourite response - shamelessly linked to the Darkside!

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..and takes pictures of you for yet more direct marketing campaigns!


Fly's over my land and I'll shoot it down  :oops:

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