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Shop fronts/windows...


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Hi guys/gals.


Owing to the growing number of drunk plonkers who are hell bent on smashing windows for the reasons unknown. I unfortunately had my shop windows (along with 6 other poor business owners) bottled.


I was wandering if anyone here has experience on the polycarbonate Lexan MR5E ? ? Am thinking of using 6mm/8mmm instead of the regular laminate glass.  Would this be suitable for a window approx 2000mm X 1800mm







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Have a look at your local bus stop it's probably the same stuff

I think it can be scratched, so you'll probably have names carved in it by the local scum instead :(

I used to use laminated glass and have seen bricks and beer bottles bounce off it on late nights

It's not unbreakable but it takes some breaking

You should be allowed to shot the scum

Some sort of bars or grill is best sadly

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Just thought try to get a sample and explain if its the right stuff for you there are others in the street who might need it too

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Expensive, but have you asked about anti bandit glass?

The type used in bandit screens in banks and post offices.

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You used to be able get 6mm thick Marglass which is polycarb with a glass like coating that was very difficult to scratch plus sledgehammer wouldnt break it. Looking through the web the Lexan number you have quoted is the same stuff. Its as good as it gets. Yes ultimatley it can be scratched, but i would use it.

I used to be in the plastics business. :d

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My wife had a shop some years ago now and was broken into via the plate glass window,  the replacement cost of safety glass was considerably more, I suggested replacing with plate glass, oh no, I was told if we do that and the someone cuts themselves breaking in they can sue you.  

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Sorry to hear about this.

I bet nothing ever gets stolen, just young youths. I'm also sure that police are not much help and say it's down to your insurance to sort out.

I'd rig up something like this... http://bit.ly/1h0yQ6h

It'll either really sort your problems out or encourage kids to set it off.

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My wife had a shop some years ago now and was broken into via the plate glass window, the replacement cost of safety glass was considerably more, I suggested replacing with plate glass, oh no, I was told if we do that and the someone cuts themselves breaking in they can sue you.

Age old issue... My grandfather owned a shop when my mother was a teenager and had issues with people climbing over the back wall and stealing stuff he just had delivered and was waiting in back courtyard area. He cemented broken glass and bottles into the top of the wall. Small, discreet pieces. A guy was later admitted to A&E with deep cuts to hands, chest, stomach and legs.

He climbed up, and had gone too far to back off and prevent more injuries.

The local police officer knew my grandfather, since children, and said he was lucky someone else hadn't taken the case.

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You can buy black slippery paint for wall application so intruders slip and fall off, you also have to display warning notices to this effect to prevent injury, bonkers.

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You can buy black slippery paint for wall application so intruders slip and fall off, you also have to display warning notices to this effect to prevent injury, bonkers.

Is this the same as the stuff that contains a dye that stains clothing and skin? I've heard skin can be stained for a couple of weeks and detectable under IR lighting even longer.

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Sorry to hear about this.

I bet nothing ever gets stolen, just young youths. I'm also sure that police are not much help and say it's down to your insurance to sort out.

I'd rig up something like this... http://bit.ly/1h0yQ6h

It'll either really sort your problems out or encourage kids to set it off.



I like that but are you liable for laundry bills for the perp?

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I like that but are you liable for laundry bills for the perp?

If whoever set it off has the kahuna's to come back and ask me to settle the bill, I'd invite him in, make sure he see's actual shot guns left out. then settle the bill.

Probably why I don't own shot guns.

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Tbh, 99.99999% of the locals are fine and dandy, its just a few idiots (well known to the cops too) that wreck havoc, scratch cars, bricking shop windows etc.. I sometimes wonder what these plonkers will be breeding in the future.


The police are powerless to act because of the limited resources and paperwork, is there really no real justice ? ? ?


I'm going to ask Santa for a nasty nasty dog for a prezzy.

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