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Simon Westwood's birthday


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Well, only 43. Some of us weather better than others! :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

M HR, Simon, do you remember selling me my car?  Mrs H. had to pay the deposit because I'd not brought my cheque book or card. :cry:  :cry:  :cry:

Hope you have had a good one, regards and best wishes,

Mr & Mrs H.

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Happy birthday

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MHR Simon

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we got a birthday sale when it was Lukes Birthday; I think that should be a standard thing :t-up:

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Happy birthday Simon  :t-up: 


43... No comment!  :d 

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Many Happy Returns Simon, have a great Birthday.

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Have a great day Simon, Happy Birthday :t-up:

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Happy Birthday Simon, have a great day :t-up:

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 Mrs H. had to pay the deposit because I'd not brought my cheque book or card. :cry:  :cry:  :cry:



I was nearly the same at the Stoneleigh show when I bought mine!


Happy birthday Simon :d

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