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Here's Scott's calendar!

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I have many non-Christian neighbours that complain about Christmas being forced down there necks.

The "Christmas Market" running through the city centre has been going a week already!

But on the flip side, there's two houses opposite each other near my mum's house in South Devon, that go OTT and compete in the best display. Then they have charity buckets in their garden. One for Devon Air Ambulance and the other is for the RSPCA. Last year one covered his garden and house in a thick sheet of cotton wool! Then built a nativity scene over it.

The other covered everything in lights!

One had their young daughter die and they support Devon Air Ambulance. The other's joined in for fun and support.

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This year in our house it's, no tree, no lights, no cards, no decorations.

Instead it's gonna be barbequed kangaroo leg on the beach instead of turkey   :cool:

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