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John Loudon's car being praised on Blatchat!


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Hmmm - 240 brake - I wish

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They don't change, do they Peter.


no, in fact I think it's got worse now I'm not on there to keep tham in check :laugh:  :oops:



Hmmm - 240 brake - I wish


it's just a number John, your car is quite fast enough :p  :d

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Looking at that it's hard to believe that the front edge of the engine on mine is under the nosecone. 


This is a poor picture to illustrate the point but look how much of the gearbox can be seen, which shows how far forward it is.



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all my caterhams have the engine sitting forward too , as can be seen in the last pic here http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/121206859918?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1586.l2649



 I have personally never driven a westy that turns into a corner with the grip and front end bite of a caterham and I have always wondered if its the engine position right forward that helps that, I also find Caterhams are much easier to drive when on the limit and even slide/drift than a westys ,again I wonder if this is relative to the  engine being slung as far forward as poss  ? ? 

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The Caterham's engine looks further forward, but to get a true picture you need to compare side to side with a Westfield. If you were to align the rear wheels of both cars side to side, the Caterhams engine slightly further forward, but nowt much. What is noticeable is that the Caterhams front wheels are further back - shorter wheelbase. It is even more pronounced with the more modern fatboy Westfields...

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Chris Peter - thats an old picture. Differente xhaust and air filter since those days


Actually - that was taken in the garage of my old house which I moved from in 2004

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Peter - thats an old picture. Differente xhaust and air filter since those days


Actually - that was taken in the garage of my old house which I moved from in 2004


well then, get a better one up so people can admire the handiwork :t-up:  you muppet :p  :laugh:


PS: I copied the link from one a BCer had put up

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LOL - folk dig up the most obscure photos of you or your belongings when you had no idea that they were being taken :laugh:

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The years haven't been kind to you John..........  oh no, hang on, that's not really you is it :oops:  :laugh:


some dodgy characters hanging round your car there, I hope you had chained to something solid ;)  :t-up:  

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LOL - folk dig up the most obscure photos of you or your belongings when you had no idea that they were being taken :laugh:


There's a spy round every corner.. :laugh:


Talking of engine positions, this one has it some way back in the chassis! (Chris Snell's Busa 2005)



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