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Derby and Notts South monthly meet - Thursday November 28th

John Loudon - Sponsorship Liaison

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See you tomorrow Cleggy. Up to the top floor on arrival. Let me know if you need any info before then



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Thanks John

Will pop up and ask for a help with the boxes - four of them :-)

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No probs

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now programmed into the sat nav :d


see you laters

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If you are planning to come along tonight and haven't been before some info...

We meet on the top floor of the pub.

The main bar/eating area is on the middle floor, we are in our own room at the top of the building......they will bring your food up when ready....

Food is good and they do the Marstons two for a tenner deal.....


Hope we get a good turn out.......


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I will be eating my tea with the chimps before I depart - see you later Garry

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will be setting sale at some point between 5.00 and 5.30 - sat nav says an hour and 35 mins but will probably be a bit longer due to the time of travelling

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Thanks to Cleggy for coming along and showing off his wares last night. Some good stuff there. I'm sure people know have an idea of what they want to buy and you will be inundated with orders :oops:

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Thank you to John and Garry for inviting me to last nights event...


and a thank you to all those that turned up, it was a great evening and I really enjoyed everyones company :t-up:


Hope you all liked the gear shown and the feedback received was very good, with a few points taken onboard which I shall look at over the coming months to further improve the offering


Great to see a very active area with lots friendly members turning out :t-up:  well done to Garry and the rest of you :t-up:

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I thought you all did very well...... good mix of old members, new members and even some guests from the Tiger club..... :)


There was a lot of trying on (and re-trying on in Mr Loudons case... :suspect: )  


Thanks again Clark for taking the time to come and see us, very good of you.



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Let the training for the slot car racing commence....


Was there any item or size that John did not try on?

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Let the training for the slot car racing commence....


Was there any item or size that John did not try on?


Yes - the WSCC pants

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Nice to meet up with everyone last night, made Pat and I very welcome. It will be nice when the weather improves and the nights are lighter to see other cars. Pat says thanks to Jane and the other ladies for their hosapitality, she had a great time (spending my money).

The January night sounds interesting as does the slot car racing.

Ian & Pat

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