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Here we go again... PayPal!

Norman Verona

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I get an email from Paypal France telling me my registered credit card has expired, which it has. I need to click on the link to update it. Rather than do that, for security reasons, I log on to www.paypal.fr.


I will not accept my password so I click "forgotten password".


Email arrives and I follow instructions. Reset the password and the security questions. Get logged in and after a minute or so searching find my details. 


They're my UK details!


After a bit of cursing, which I can't reproduce here, I use the link on the original email and log on. My UK details again.



To hell with Paypal they can swing from now on.

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I look forward to you renewing your membership with interest. :d

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Scott, my UK paypal is OK but I have to have a French paypal account as well to buy off ebay France. This is because they can't manage to accept a UK card registered to a French address. So I change my credit card address to a UK address and my ebay purchases from the UK are now OK.


But then my purchases from France won't work so I use my Carte Bancaire And all is well. That card has just beenj renewed and needs the new expiry dates entering. It was this I was trying to do.

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I presume you are using 2 different email address and 2 eBay names as well ?


Might help to keep them completely seperate.

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Just a general note about paypal - if they email asking for any personal details from you password/bank details etc they will always address you with your name not 'dear customer' etc anything else is a scam.

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Oooh for gods sake...don't confuse him!


Why not?  He's entertaining when he's confused.

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I have no sympathy

If you go live in France you have to take the consequences :laugh:

C'est la vie

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Terry, I wasn't looking for sympathy, just reporting the stupidity of PayPal. Like when I lost my credit card. To enter a new credit card number you have to enter the old number as proof it's you. I gave up in the end and opened a new account.

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