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eighty chuffin two


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82 chuffin calls at work yesterday ,47 on my mobile and 35 on the landline what the chuff it was mental trying to get work done , what the chuffs going on ,I give up answering them in the end as soon as I put the phone down it was ringing again and several times mobile and landline going at the same time , I needed to get work out and my receipsionist does not work Fridays

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Funny that, I was going to ring you yesterday. Lucky I didn't.

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:laugh:  got your floor wuver but they have done me a wide :cry: will modify it today

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Jebus H Christ on a cracker you dozy idjit wuv how many times do I have to rollock you ya muppet ever heard of answering machines and voice mail set up a Friday message that tells people you're up to your nuts in work and to either call back Monday or leave a message and you'll call back when you can but it might be Monday sometimes you're too daft to see the wood for the trees when are you going to start looking after yourself you knucklehead rant over wuv you wuv even if you're mad as a box of frogs :)

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That's what I like about Scott, his diplomacy :)

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Problem is that Steve still has to ring everyone back. OK, he may filter out a few but it's still time.


His best bet is to get an apprentice who can take messages and help in the shop. I know most are a waste of time and space but some are OK, it's just finding them. We ask one question. "Why do you want this job" The answer to that will normally tell you if they really want to work. For example we asked the first lad why he wanted the job. His answer was not expected. My mum doesn't work and is in bed most of the day, my two brothers are on the dole and just hang around with their mates all day. I want a proper job so I get up in the morning and go to work and then get paid at the end of the week. He's now on full pay and is number two in the department.


Mind you, you have to interview several before you find the one.

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That's what I like about Scott, his diplomacy :)


It's the only language Steve understands. :love:  :yes:

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I'm sure everyone would accept a couple of % rise in the price you charge if you were to employ a hot secretary. I'd probably call for daily progress checks on my car ;)

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Called you 81 times yesterday and not one answer. Gave up and texted in the end.

fpmsl you k***  :laugh:

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