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Lindsay Pointon at Curborough


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Lindsay managed a fine win at Curborough today in the slick shod class with a FTD also.

Well done Lindsay. The final run between you and Richard Smallridge and Adrian Wotbox was a joy to watch and there were some enthusiastic cheers in our crowd as you clinched it.

Now maybe you will see sense and get this silly idea of circuit racing out of your head.


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congrats to Linsay also , a fine day for all the speed series drivers with some great drives,

May i congratulate keith Green who again showed me how its done :D  :D now can you give the large nads back to Chris for silverstone, he`ll need them.. :t-up:  :t-up:

hope everyone got home safe and sound


ps congrats to julie on another pot, now about that trophy room extension...

:D  :D  :D  :p  :p

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That's gotta be one of the closest results :)  :)  :)  :)  Good to watch  :D  :D  :D

Thanks to Linds, Bros S and Wotbox for the entertainment - when's the re-match  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

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Yup. Watching the slick shod boys (and girl...Julie's getting MIGHTY quick now!!;) was awesome. Top day

Next up Anglesey.Can't wait

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Well done Linds!

But not too many please!


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Well done Linsay on FTD. It was brilliant watching the battle play out between all the slick runners. 10 points for entertainment value.

Talking about entertainment i think Tim should get a bonus point or two for the superb entertainment he provided both on track and off it.

Thanks for the kind words Barney and for a great battle! Holding my breath for 34.44 seconds while you took your final was hard work. Have passed the large nads back to Chris for Silverstone this weekend.  Don't forget to bring my tranquilisers!

 ???  ???  ???  


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Well done indeed.  It just goes to show that you have taken sprinting as far as is possible, and that the time is right to move up to circuit racing. But you know that already I think!

See you next year

Dickie B

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Don't forget to bring my tranquilisers

Keith,do you want the red pills or will the blue ones be enough ? :p

me, andy and rob have clubbed together for the big roll of yellow tank tape,just to cover all eventualities you understand... :t-up:  :t-up:

see you Sat morning...........


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I'll have the calming cup of tea ready for ya Keith  :D  :D  :devil:  :devil:  :blush:  :blush:  :D  :D  :D  Deep breaths  :D  :devil:  :D  :devil:  :D

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:devil:  :devil:  :devil:


:devil:  :devil:  :devil:


:devil:  :devil:  :devil:

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Barney , Mark,

Thanks for the kind offers of help. Please bring the red pills ,the blue pills ,nice calming cups of tea and maybe a bottle of scotch or two! Maybe the tank tape should be in a contrasting colour so everyone can see whats been broken!!!

Just replaced the steel rear wing bolts with nice -easy to snap off -plastic ones. Just in case you understand!

See you saturday

All the best

Keith     :sheep:  :sheep:  :sheep:

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Don't encourage her Richard!

I think I'll have to turn down the rev limiter!!


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well done Lindsay.... and Richard and Adrian...... and Derek and Philip and Robin and Barry and most importantly.... Julie !


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