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Superpowers - I haz them

Captain Colonial

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Namely the superpower of invisibility!

But I only have it when I'm in a supermarket, where it doesn't matter if I'm moving or standing still, every idiot in creation completely fails to see me. They bump into me with their trolleys, cut in front of me, and stand in groups like talking statues, gassing about stupid things and blocking my way.

Now if I can only be invisible in other places, I could have such fun!

Anyone else have any superpowers?

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Not Me.


But when I was walking round the supermarket the other day some idiot stopped in front of me and I bumped into him! :p

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Put a bit of beef on and they can't fail to miss you. Carry a copy of Big Issue and they may avoid you like the plague. :d



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I have the super power of being mistaken for a vagrant whenever I have spent a day at work…. :)

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I haz the power to read minds, or at least SWMBO thinks I do.

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