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Norman Verona

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I see that the disaster relied fund raised £13 million in the first day for the Philippines. Lets us hope that they use this quickly and a bit more 40 or 50p in the pound gets through. Apparently that is the admin costs that charities normallt take.


As I see it the news crews can get there and get communications up and running in a day, so why others cannot get there is a mystery. And with James offer. there is no sense in them refusing, but remeber Charity work is organised big business, why let a well meaning individual help when they have not organised it.


There is a long way to go with this, but for the future, islands like these will rebuild in the same way as those in tornado ally in the states does, with wood. They need to build with concrete and steel so that when this happens again it is not a repeat.


It will be interesting to see the result of children in need tonight afte so much money has been given already.

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As far as I can ascertain the people in Hiatti, who suffered a similar fate as the Philippines several years ago are mostly still living in tents. As soon as the world press leave a disaster area the aid stops and the people are left to fend for themselves. Have the poor areas of New Orleans been rebuilt?

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As far as I can ascertain the people in Hiatti, who suffered a similar fate as the Philippines several years ago are mostly still living in tents. As soon as the world press leave a disaster area the aid stops and the people are left to fend for themselves. Have the poor areas of New Orleans been rebuilt?


No they haven't as far as I can see and in the case of Hati there was millions raised for that disaster but how much of that was used legitamately. New Orleans should have shamed the US but as it was a mainly poor black area they seem to have got over the shame quickly. Now if only they could have blamed BP for that.

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Listening to the wireless today I heard the DEC in the Philippines put out a request for qualified people chainsaw operators to clear telegraph poles and trees partially uprooted by the storm!!!

Banging head against wall here.....

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