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Random thoughts after a glass or two

Captain Colonial

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As I enjoyed a few glasses last night, some random thoughts occurred to me:


Where are the towns of Secret, Hiding, and Cognito?  It seems like every time a fugitive is found, they were in one of those towns - "Police find gangster in Hiding"; "Drug Dealer living in Cognito", etc.  I've no idea where they are, but surely it's the first place that police should be looking for criminals?  And why would any criminal move there if that's where they're often found?  Do the towns themselves encourage criminal behaviour?


Likewise, where are the towns of Danger, Peril, Risk and Path, and why would anyone choose to live near there?  Hardly a day goes by without a news report of people living near those places having some calamity move them into those towns - "Earthquake puts people in Danger"; "Tidal wave puts locals in Peril", etc.  Just move away from the area!


Any geography experts out there who can enlighten me as to where these places are please?

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Hmm, I've made a study of the words more obscure towns and villages over the years. Some I'm still hunting for, but the obsession began quite young.


I found the wonderful town of Trouble first, it's such a delightful place, I'm a frequent return visitor; I can frequently be found in Trouble. Highly recommended.


I stumbled across the fine old market town of Disgrace quite by accident. You know how it goes, I was seve eighteen, on a pub crawl with friends, and well, I don't remember much, other than waking up in the newly discovered town.

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I've been in Limbo a few times and it is not very good for my back, at my age.

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:laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh: 

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You didn't drink enough! I find that my oh-so-wise trains of thought in my cups, disappear like summer snow as the liver processes the booze. :o

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Have another drink Scott all will become clearer :d :D

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Scott, you need to try a book called 'The Meaning of Liff ' - by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd.  They decided to give meanings to place names after realising that all these words on signposts were going to waste.   Hilarious and very clever.

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Scott..... only a 'few' glasses?  :d


I can only assume that you are currently residing in the town of Denial

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"Few" is a relative term, of course.  If I had been drunk, it would have been "more than a few". :t-up:

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