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thieving scum


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Steve, so sorry to hear about this. Might be worth getting some prints from the video and having a chat with the local papers about the police's level of interest.

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cheers guys , they have been in a damaged fiat i have in to , waiting to see the footage in the morning

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Steve, I take it that it wasn't your Transit but next doors.


I may be a bit controversial here when I say the Police could almost certainly deal with budget cuts by less extravagance in spending rather than cutting manpower. I worked with one department in South Yorkshire Police for 11 years and there appeared to me to be a huge amount of waste and overspending. To put it another way if I'd run my business the way that department was run I would have been bankrupt pretty quickly.


Someone said that society gets the police force it deserves.

You are spot on Norman! Any goverment department wastes so much money it is not funny as those in charge are so out of touch with how private companies run. Take any goverment IT project to see they never work or come in on budget.

Look at the Navy, 19 ships but 49 admirals and equivalant ranks underneath. In private business you would have a few directors and then 19 captains (managers).

What hurts so much is that particulalry with burgarly they think a victim support leaflet is good enough.


As for Sharia Law, if we cut off their hands they would get disability benefit, motability so would be better of.

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Makes you think Sharia Law has got it right, cut the b******s hands off.

Well I've said it many times........

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So sorry to hear that, thieving gits, do hope the vid shows something you can use, not that the police will do to much, as has been said, to much trouble, damn shame!

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Hear and see this all to often now

I mark the roof of van with my postcode in number plate letters so the helicopter that's always watching the roads for speeders around here might do some good

Sorry to hear

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