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thieving scum


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well had a call today that the yard was broken into last night ,they smashed the gate lock off and drilled the transit door lock and bonnet lock as you can see all the swarf on the floor and lock internals they have taken a transit pick up and broken into another van  , should have it all on cctv but cant check it until the morning ,police are not interested at all not even come down to view the scene or fingerprint

makes you wonder why you bother sometimes

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Sorry to hear that wuv :down:

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Really sorry to hear this wuv, thieving scum is right, ridiculous that budget restraints and overall policy therein means police won't attend, then officers on the ground get the blame for bosses decisions, when policy means they won't attend for thefts on businesses, won't attend ringing alarms on businesses or homes, won't go on to gypsy sites to recover stolen goods because they're intimidated and won't attend when someone is making a racket and turning their neighbours lives into hell, it makes you wonder why you bother paying taxes, chin up wuv

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Sorry to hear that steve!! Happens all to often and to us twice in 2 years.

Hope damage ain't too bad mate.


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Sorry to hear this Steve, but the police are now IMHO out of control and out of touch. We have caught a thief at work, all the evidence is there after two weeks still no sign of them. Car drove through the side of one branch in Luton, it was a black VW caught on camera, no action taken "why worry you are insured".

If the police cheif constable was paid on conviction rates they would do something, but as it is they just spout the usual rubbish and do nothing.


I know we have some officers on here, this is not aimed at them, it is the leadership who are at fault. The net result is people will take the law into their own hands and vigilanty justice is not correct, see the details of an innocent man burned to death in Bristol for that.


We need to get back to having a police force whose hands are not tied by PC wishy washy types and supported by stiff sentancing.

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Sorry to hear this Steve. Hope you get sorted out ok.

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Steve, I take it that it wasn't your Transit but next doors.


I may be a bit controversial here when I say the Police could almost certainly deal with budget cuts by less extravagance in spending rather than cutting manpower. I worked with one department in South Yorkshire Police for 11 years and there appeared to me to be a huge amount of waste and overspending. To put it another way if I'd run my business the way that department was run I would have been bankrupt pretty quickly.


Someone said that society gets the police force it deserves.

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sorry to hear the news mate. :down: 

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That's **** news Steve, hope the footage comes out. 


Just the local news paper round and give them the story, name and shame 

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Sorry to hear that steve hopefully you will have some good footage you can print and send to police/papers. Either way I hope not too much was stolen and it doesn't affect your business.


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Hope your insurance is covered for loss / theft damage . can't do any more than lock the place up and fit cctv like you have , if the thieving scrotes want it they know theres nothing to stop them and they can get away with it because the feds dont give a flying fkc  :arse:

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That's crap bud and I hope they get what they deserve one way or another.


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Steve, I forgot to say it was good to see you and Marshall yesterday - sorry I didn't get to talk - damn shame that your had to get home to this robbery…..  Hows it looking at the unit? 

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