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motorway muppets


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My recent faves were a cyclist try and come up the inside as I slowed as a road narrowed and someone that helpfully stopped to let me by - oposite a traffic island on an empty road...

I just drive calmly and watch whats ahead... proving useful in my Westy!

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I'm not going to bang in my list of issues with drivers.

My sister in law thinks the way to drive on a motorway is 85 mph in fast lane! There are many like her. I know many many people that refuse to drive on motorways and several that think there is no need to exceed 50mph. However I'm pleased to say I have only met them since moving to Birmingham.

This weekend I went to Lyme Regis and back, found out it was half term and the roads were full of all types! The wife and myself saw some shocking driving, coming down Hagley road we saw a red MGF with drivers door crashed in and lamppost connected to the front. Looked like either they had or another vehicle had gone onto wrong side of road and they came off worse. But as said many times, 1991 reported incidents a year... Highest in uk, third highest in Europe.

While enjoying our weekend I had someone nearly take the front off our car while going into a service station... Since anger management's been going pretty well and I remained calm(ish), at the pump I said "I bet you're a Brummie..." To which I got "III'm from Duuuudleeeeeey actually." :oops:

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I have this issue where I use mirrors and notice everything in my :yellow-westy: !!! This has caused me no end of stress the last few years. But I have also found that on narrow lanes nobody seems to even ease off the power and I'm often pretty much in the hedge, on the horn. So not just cities... Why I considered changing to a defender 90, with a six inch lift kit and 33 inch wide tyres!!!

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M6 yesterday towards Manchester. I was behind an Audi and noticed he kept wandering onto the rumble strip in lane one. When I overtook him I realised why; he was putting headphones on with both hands!

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I got some stick in here a few years ago for calling and reporting a RAC breakdown man's driving during rush hour on the M5.  He was doing 85-90 mph - okay, I wouldn't have called him in for that, I've done it a few times myself (I tend to stick the cruise control on for 77 mph).  However, he was doing 85-90 mph while tailgating and towing an empty car trailer in the fast lane - said trailer was bouncing a good 6" off the roadway surface - so three offences in one.  A few people in here defended that, saying maybe he was going to a breakdown - hardly a good defence of endangering other road users, plus aren't they supposed to be setting an example to others?


Really are some muppets out there on the motorways.  I have yet to see anyone prosecuted for hogging the middle lane, something that was supposed to start happening back in July.

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Are we really surprised at the standards of driving on the motorway when we do not teach motorway driving for the test.


The test itself isn't worth much in my opinion. As I said above there are many who pass the test, a set of tasks which have little opinion of the examiner but just a list of tick boxes, who shouldn't be on the road. It would be far better to do the current test and add one more question to the examiners list ....


"Is this person, in your opinion, capable of driving a car on the public highway"


I would imagine that some would pass all above this and fail on this alone.



However, having moaned about that driving standards in the UK are far better than in France.

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Peet, you're right. It's probably because we have more "good" than "bad" drivers. I also think attitude of mind has a lot to do with it. HM will go to the supermarket, about 8 miles each way, and come back telling tales of an incident with another driver. I will do the same trip and see nothing. Maybe because I expect others to do stupid things and drive accordingly so no big deal.


I'm proud to say that over an eight year period I drove all over the UK (including Birmingham) and did 800,000 miles without an accident or even a "close shave". The only "incident" was a fool in a large Vauxhall (Senator?) who joined the M1 from the M6 and just went across all the lanes to get to the outside lane without seeing me in a bright red Lancia Integralle. I braked, but not hard, to avoid him. And that was it. I put it down to driving defensively, anticipating what others are going to do and never getting "boxed" in.

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Heres one

Exiting m6 with a DH behind waving his arms at me and flashing lights

He drew up along side me at the lights still mouthing and shaking his head so i though ide have a friendly chat

I Asked him what on earth could the problem be on this fine morning - or words to that effect and he told me straight

My number plate was illegal because its spaced incorrectly so to read my name !!

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Going back to the Dave I took my daughter in law to LHR Sunday in my sons new Octavia VRS Estate with every extra known to man. In the inside driving lane the sat nav picks up the white lines and when you approach a junction it reads this as a left turn and actually tells you to bear right whilst showing a change lane arrow on the screen. It also gets a bit confused with the M25 being circular and will suggest changing lane because it wants to go in a straight line, it's just a guide but you can see why the people that obey every instruction end up driving down railway tracks :suspect:  :suspect:  :suspect: .  

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I got some stick in here a few years ago for calling and reporting a RAC breakdown man's driving during rush hour on the M5.  He was doing 85-90 mph - okay, I wouldn't have called him in for that, I've done it a few times myself (I tend to stick the cruise control on for 77 mph).  However, he was doing 85-90 mph while tailgating and towing an empty car trailer in the fast lane - said trailer was bouncing a good 6" off the roadway surface - so three offences in one.  A few people in here defended that, saying maybe he was going to a breakdown - hardly a good defence of endangering other road users, plus aren't they supposed to be setting an example to others?


Really are some muppets out there on the motorways.  I have yet to see anyone prosecuted for hogging the middle lane, something that was supposed to start happening back in July.

just because he was a rac man doesn't stop him from being a muppet wuv

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