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motorway muppets


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well i set off this morning at 3am to go to down the m5 , i was on the m6 it was deserted pretty much appart from a car in front of me in the inside lane i was tonking along coming up behind it about half a mile before a exit sliproad 

i indicated to overtake it and moved into the middle lane the car infront then moves into the middle lane no indication or anything so i have to take avoiding action and go around it in the middle lane while on the horn , there was no need for the car to move into the middle lane at all as there was nothing in front of it

i kid you not this happened three times on the way down the exact same thing ,each time the car infront just moving over in front of me for no reason at all on a empty motorway

it was not until i was on my way back that it clicked as to what was happening , my sat nav says keep right about a mile to half a mile before exit slip roads and i noticed all three cars had sat navs stuck to the inside of the screen , you wouldn't notice this on a busy motorway but on a empty motorway you would ,are these people real there is no common sense involved in driving anymore they all just drive to a stupid sat nav voice


on joining the m6 from the m5 a fiesta decided to pull out in front of me to overtake a truck it just sat at the same speed as the truck next to it making hand jestures towards the inside lane then put his hazards on ,eventually it slowly made it past the truck and just sat there in the middle lane so i went up the inside of him ,the bmw behind me sat there behind him flashing his lights with no joy ,there are some retards around

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I have noticed this a lot. in many incidents i have witnessed and many of the near misses there is sat nag on and people just following instructions.There should be a "When it is safe, move to the centre lane..." type message and even better than that, every so often they should have "Check your mirrors" pop up. i check mine once or twice a minute, as most people do. but there are many that don't.

unfortunately it is noticeable on a busy motorway!


Here's one for you Steve, where do you have your sat nag?

if built in, it's had millions spent in development for the best postion. mine gets mounted in bottom right corner of windscreen... i see countless vehicles, at night, with the screen's right in the centre! some sat nag the size of a small desk blocking half the screen and causing a distraction! Makes it kinda obvious why some people do not see a  :yellow-westy: in the middle of the road! :laugh:

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I have noticed this a lot. in many incidents i have witnessed and many of the near misses there is sat nag on and people just following instructions.There should be a "When it is safe, move to the centre lane..." type message and even better than that, every so often they should have "Check your mirrors" pop up. i check mine once or twice a minute, as most people do. but there are many that don't.

unfortunately it is noticeable on a busy motorway!


Here's one for you Steve, where do you have your sat nag?

if built in, it's had millions spent in development for the best postion. mine gets mounted in bottom right corner of windscreen... i see countless vehicles, at night, with the screen's right in the centre! some sat nag the size of a small desk blocking half the screen and causing a distraction! Makes it kinda obvious why some people do not see a  :yellow-westy: in the middle of the road! :laugh:

i sit my sat nav on the dash where the clocks are (vivaro)

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i sit my sat nav on the dash where the clocks are (vivaro)

sorry, did not mean for it to sound like a criticism...


I was just pointing out the daft places people mount them and they must cause difficulties with concentration and visibility. 


I drove a traffic master that had a reverse camera screen mounted where rear view mirror would be and it doubled as a sat nave screen. it worked really well and was natural. 

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sorry, did not mean for it to sound like a criticism...


I was just pointing out the daft places people mount them and they must cause difficulties with concentration and visibility. 


I drove a traffic master that had a reverse camera screen mounted where rear view mirror would be and it doubled as a sat nave screen. it worked really well and was natural. 

yeh i know wuv ,just saying where i stick mine  , i have seen muppets with em stuck in front of there faces and seen suction marks in the same place on windscreens on cars i have had in the workshop

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Driving is now being dragged down to the lowest level. On a weekend you see the worst as those who use the motorways the least are on them.


There are several types

1 Middle lane morons, I can sit where I want

2 Outside lane hoggers, I am doing the speed limit so anyone else who wants past is breaking the law, I am therefore on a par with Batman fighting crime.

3 Oh its really scary type. I will sit way below the speed limit usually in lane two and stare straight ahead.

4 Theres more than three lanes now help type. M25 3 to 6 lanes I will guess at the one nearest the outside lane.

5 Help I am lost type. So I will sit two feet of your bumper and follow you as you know where you are going.

6  Iam blind type. I will therefore have everylight on I can even in daylight.


I do around 50k a year and without doubt the driving has got worse as the increase in in car fiddling has increased, sat nav, I drive, phones all take what limited skill set people have to operate without driving as well.


My biggest bug bear are the self appointed driver standards type, not confined to the motorway. Today went out for a drive in the Westfield, guy in a Skoda Octavia, same speed 40 in a 50 in a 30 but when I came up to overtake on a hill with a climber lane, he moved over to narrow the gap, so went past with the headlights flashing at me and the horn blaring, I was below the speed limit but this man was on a mission.


I ignored it and went on my way, but more and more overtaking is seen as a crime by so many.

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Only yesterday going down the M6 to Leamington, a Saab just decided to indicate and pull straight into my little space between me and the car in front ( probably 1.5 cars lengths) forcing me to have to slow quite quickly. My reaction was a couple of hands in the air in desperation. Well that must have wound the D*ckhead up as he spent the next 20 miles blocking every move I made to keep away from the obvious nutter. I got to the stage where I was driving ridiculously slowly dropping back behind him to allow him to get over his little spat. He continuously pulled in front of me to stop me going past so I gave up. All he wanted to do was to put my lights out. I was at the stage of having my phone ( hands free) ready with 999 because I reckoned this nutter was going to do something stupid. Anyway he disappeared down toward you Steve towards Middlewich . So if you know of a dark Saab reg S444 the rest (I have) in that area, the guy is unfortunately deranged or was having a particularly bad day. Wish I was built like the honey monster and I would have taken him up on his offer to discuss the matter in the most basic of ways. The world is sadly getting worse by the week it appears. I may add I could have the guy traced reasonably easily but should anyone else meet up with this gentleman I would suggest being extremely mindful of his obvious anger management issues.


Bob :(  :(

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My biggest bug bear are the self appointed driver standards type, not confined to the motorway. Today went out for a drive in the Westfield, guy in a Skoda Octavia, same speed 40 in a 50 in a 30 but when I came up to overtake on a hill with a climber lane, he moved over to narrow the gap, so went past with the headlights flashing at me and the horn blaring, I was below the speed limit but this man was on a mission.

I ignored it and went on my way, but more and more overtaking is seen as a crime by so many.

These are the drivers who p*** me off the most too. There's one particular local road where I'll get stuck behind one on half of the journeys I make. When I've been given grief for overtaking them in the 50 and they have caught up 3 miles later in the 30 having dropped way back I do have to resist the urge to have a chat at the traffic lights!

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I am begining to think it would be a good idea to have to retake your test every 10 years.  :bangshead:  :bangshead:

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Nick, wouldn't make any difference.


I know people who shouldn't be let anywhere near a car. One won't drive any further than the local supermarket and won't drive in the dark. Another just has no idea of car control wanders all over the dual carriageway and when turning right (left in UK) into a main road is looking over his shoulder so much he's in the oncoming traffic lane. Let him drive once, never again.

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No real surprises there! I drive a Fire Engine in London and you wouldn't believe the awful driving I have to deal with especially when I'm driving on the bell!

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stuck in front of there faces and seen suction marks in the same place on windscreens on cars i have had in the workshop

Presumably they're in with extensive front end damage...

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No real surprises there! I drive a Fire Engine in London and you wouldn't believe the awful driving I have to deal with especially when I'm driving on the bell!

I have often wondered what it must be like driving on blues and two's with all the stupid moves / avoidance that so many drivers make in panic.  To have done nothing would have improved the progress of the ambulance / fire engine etc.

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