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Westfield World Copy Deadline - 15 November

Captain Colonial

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Yes, it's that time once again, the copy deadline for the Winter issue of Westfield World is two weeks from now on Friday 15 November.


Send your gems to editor@wscc.co.uk ASAP please - format details as always on the first page of the mag.


Thanks! :t-up:

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I have sent photos of prize giving at Ty Croes to Nick and Terry. So hopefully they will add some words to the photo.

But if you want a copy of the photos then just ask.

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One week to go, gents!  :t-up: 

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The weekend will be writing time and photo compilation.

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Well, that's an article and pics for our entertaining Dales blat sent off.

Let's hope it passes mustard!

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Good man!  :t-up: Thanks!

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Had our Alberta sevens get together so now I can finish my scribbling off and get some pics together. Will be ready before the deadline.....

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Bumpity - 48 hours left!

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You doing a report on awards night?

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Typing it as we speak :oops: I'm cutting it fine this time :durr:

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Keep forgetting you lot are a day ahead of me...oh God..left myself wide open..

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