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next years car , build thread


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:t-up: busa power and sc me thinks wuv , i have sent my chassis design into westfield for them to build it me ,engine in passenger side with f3 wishbonesD


Don't forget to order the low profile E glass bodywork, I'm told it will save you at least 22 klgs over the standard light weight!

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Do you need a double driver / tire warmer ?

sorry wuv marshall is my wing man next year or you could of with pleasure

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Nice one (bar that first pic!)! I was going to call you this morning but have an awful cold and can't be arsed so I'll do it during the week.

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Oops meant ??? Not xxx :-)

gone a long time ago sweatheart xxx

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Well I wouldn't even think of kissing that! :)

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I was more concerned about the mask he's wearing.

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F3 suspension, Suzuki power in the passenger side - Have you bought Chris Snells Car

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Me Me Me - I can't over-rev a bike engine surely... :laugh:


Plus I am your naked buddy.



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Oh no, Del and Gary's team wear is one thing round the pits, but team mankinis.  :o  :down:  :laugh: 

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The mankini would not pass scrutineering IMHO


Thank god for that! :laugh:

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