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would you build another ?


Would you build another?  

57 members have voted

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I think the point about the hassle of iva is a valid one..... but like all these things you forget about those troubles once it's out the way. it's part of the project and has it's place.... just have to humor them and jump through the hoops if you end up dealing with a melon or two :d

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I voted YES-OTHER. Not a Westfield but a Caterham. I've rebuilt mine twice, the last from a bare chassis up. It's as much fun as driving it. Nothing to do with time or money, just love working on 7's and any old car. But not new ones.

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I voted YES-OTHER. Not a Westfield but a Caterham. I've rebuilt mine twice, the last from a bare chassis up. It's as much fun as driving it. Nothing to do with time or money, just love working on 7's and any old car. But not new ones.


Thats the thing; to me it's a hobby, mine lives outside and is used all year round and has been from the start. I knew, at some point in the next few years I'd probably want to do a body off rebuild anyway. (Why wait till it's in a bad way before tidying)


 I've just brought the rebuild forwards. Oh and updated the chassis, and perhaps change colour and style of the bodywork.  ;)  :d 

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I've always used mine summer and winter, some of my best blats have been over the Snake on Christmas day.


Only problem I have is impatience when doing major work as I want to out blatting if the suns shining.


I want to sort out the spaghetti wiring under the dash and may well do so when I'm painting it over winter.  

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After having health issues kick in halfway through an engine out operation. (unrelated, I should add). That left the car off the road for nearly eighteen months till I was at least well enough to put it back together, I admit I've been wary of doing any jobs that took the car off the road for more than a few days.


But I've decided to just go for it anyway. It's going to be a pain and drive me to distraction when I get to the stage of no road going Westfield - indeed, I'll probably inherit Norman's grumpy mantle. Infact I may have to pin a "sticky" apology into every section of the Boardroom!


But then, I've also taken the view that if I don't do it now and build a car with a perhaps, more "robust" approach to weatherability and protection now, I never will. So for instance on the new car, I've opted to have all the aluminium panels powdercoated for protection. They're all going to be hidden behind trim in the cockpit, so aesthetically, it doesn't matter. I'm also looking into the options for using some kind of soft/rubber finish type under-seal style product on the exposed underfloor sections and around the diff side of the rear bulkhead and the chassis tubes - areas that on the current car have taken most wear.

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Dave, I haven't driven my car in anger for 3 years now. I start it every couple of months. The reason, as you probably know, is HM's health problem, now sorted. But she's very nervous if I go out and, to be honest, so am I and I don't want to leave her on her own for longer than an hour. However, she is improving and I should be able to get out next year. So a repaint over winter, sort the wiring under the dash (bet I don't) and then back into regular use next year.

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Life does find a way of giving you a good hard kicking sometimes, but good to hear HM's made good progress.

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We drifting here but having been helicoptered to Intensive Care in an induced coma 3 times and me thinking she may not survive, it certainly does give you a very hard kick at times.


The funny thing is if the doctors would have taken notice of what I was telling them we could have sorted it much quicker. I kept telling them it wasn't her asthma that was the main problem but they mistook me as saying she didn't have asthma. Her specialist at Angers Hospital now understands what I've been saying and is looking at the problem in a different light.


OK, back to building cars.

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Norm - be very careful about rewiring behind the dash :laugh:


I voted yes if I had the money.  I'd like to do a Dave - nice new Honda engine, frame and bodywork and then to strip all sorts of stuff from my present car and put it in the new one.


Wishful thinking tho'


Rory's Dad

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Martin, I've already rewired the car twice. Last time was when I rebuilt following an accident. I want to untangle everything and just make it look neater.

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Voted, yes.


I have now done two builds. A Caterham in the UK and a Westfield SDV in the US. I loved (and at some points hated) doing both of them. Whenever, I see a new build thread I have small pangs of jealousy. I take that as a sign that I will do another. The S2000 kit looks good, as does (on a different tack) the Factory Five 818.

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I would n't build another - too expensive. When you look at would you could buy secondhand compared to the cost of building a new one it's a non starter for me. Having said that I don't regret building my car, ticked a box on something I always wanted to do. Also, made some really good friends and fantastic memories as a result of building it.

Moved on to the rolling restoration that is my MG roadster, plenty to tinker with! Sometimes miss the Westfield, but I get much more use out of the MG.

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I voted no. I built my car with some money that was left to me when my mother passed away. The build was something I had wanted to do for a long time and the money helped me achieve my dream. It was also a very cathartic process and helped me with the grieving process. Accordingly, I have no intention of selling the car to make way for another.

Now, upgrades, that is another story!

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