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Windows 8 to 8.1


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Still working my way around 8.1. Just finding programs to run is proving a trial! I guess the .1 notation suggests that just minor tweaks have been made whereas I was probably hoping for 9.0 and a total revamp to something more useable on a lap top.


I may re-install Windows Classic Shell which at least gives a recognisable START button with predictable navigation.

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I use Windows 8 on a laptop without touch and on a Surface with touch.  There is definitely a learning curve, particularly on a non-touch device, but I much prefer it to 7.  If you miss the old start menu, check out http://www.stardock.com/products/start8/  It returns the classic interface and is only $5.  I know several folks who use it and they all swear by it.



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I use Windows 8 on a laptop without touch and on a Surface with touch.  There is definitely a learning curve, particularly on a non-touch device, but I much prefer it to 7.  If you miss the old start menu, check out http://www.stardock.com/products/start8/  It returns the classic interface and is only $5.  I know several folks who use it and they all swear by it.





Many thanks for the information, I have just activated the 30 day free trial and it appears just what I am looking for - a list of my programs in the right place! Will give it a few days but it looks as though I will be paying the $5 for the full version.

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