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Windows 8 to 8.1


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Can't wait to update my LapTop to rid it of the terrible Windows 8 interface but it seems that Microsoft servers can't cope with the demand so I will just have to keep trying.


Anybody managed it yet?

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Not yet, but very keen to move on from 8.0 on the one machine where we thought we'd trial it.

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Finally managed to start the download. At 3.6Gb and a slow internet connection, it could take a while....

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Downloaded the 'upgrade' overnight and activated this morning whilst trying to avoid all of the insidious Microsoft ways of tracking data and controlling my computer.


I have to say that early indications are that 8.1 isn't the panacea I was hoping for....

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I feel the start of another post coming on. 


Have Microsoft lost their way ???  :o  ???  :suspect:

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Still reckon XP Pro SP3 was one of their best. Win 7 Pro pretty good too on the whole. Have no desire to go anywhere near the latest offerings but will, of course, end up being forced to.

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I agree that XP was probably the best. The difficulty is when having to replace lap tops etc that newer versions of Windows are unavoidable.

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I like windows 8 on both tsblet pc and ordinary laptop. It's faster than the rest and more stable. A lot of people that don't like windows 8 haven't found how to use it without touch or mouse. It was designed for touch screens obviously but the Windows button is finally used properly.

Press the windows bytton to switch between metro and desktop type the program or file you want it will find it as you type (often within a few key presses) select using arrows and enter or mouse and its loaded. Simple so much better than the awful search routine of xp or 7. And it gets rid of how many icons can you have on your desktop competition.

Like all things its horses for courses but I have found that a lot of people prefer windows 8 when they get used to it and see tricks like above.


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Rebuilt a friends laptop last weekend, three year old win 7 pro, clean reinstall with drivers and office 2010.


Could not believe the number of updates I had to download  :oops: 




I now run iMac desktops and Mac books for mobile use, rarely need to download anything, unless Apple apply patches covertly.

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Had two OS patch/updates on my Mac Book Pro in the last seven days, but don't see anything like patch Tuesday from MS.

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Still reckon XP Pro SP3 was one of their best. Win 7 Pro pretty good too on the whole. Have no desire to go anywhere near the latest offerings but will, of course, end up being forced to.


I'm convinced you need to skip one or two every now and again as, when MS get clever, they take it a step too far and only get it right with the next iteration.

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The problem with apple is they often leave their customers in the lurch/dark

When the first apple mac virus appeared they simply took virus free off their website. There are still people that believe that they cannot get a virus.

Look at their reaction to their ios 7 and the older phones that stopped working/had problems with the forced upgrade. Ie get a new phone. It was only customer pressure and the web going wild that suddenly a downgrade was made available.

At least ms post updates patches as problems appear.

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OK, but very happy with my Apple kit  :d:) 




Still sell refurb Msoft kit for those that want it, but now trying to offer in addition, more refurbed Apple kit  ??? 

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Update to 8.1 was one of the easiest sorted problems with USB monitor I had been suffering. Only issue was star dock fences which a upgrade to fences 2 cured.

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