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Why do they do it?


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Most of these mindless morons don't know what half of the things they steal actually are!! the inconvenience and lost time is mostly greater than the value of the stolen items. Having said that a neighbours son had his pick up tailgate removed from what appeared to be a secure car park recently. Obviously stolen to order as the replacement after painting was almost £2000. 

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I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Any thief who steals a tradesmans tools should have their left hand chopped off for the first offence, if they do it again chop off their right hand, if after that they carry on stealing chop their feck1n' head off......problem solved :angry:

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How's this one grab you? We employed a plumber from an agency for 2 weeks in August to help out on a contract. It turns out he's been going in the local plumbing merchants during September ordering materials for his own house on our trade account to the tune of more than £3K!! Now this is a first for me and I've been in the industry for over 25 years. When we first found a couple of invoices he said it was just a mistake. The we found he'd been in on 13 separate occasions. Called him again and guess what...now he won't answer the phone. The Police have been called and it's in their hands. What I find amazing is he signed for the materials using his own signature!!!!

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A well spoken chap with an Oxbridge accent said that we should do as they do in his country and amputate the left hand of 3 times convicted thieves. Two women in the studio were horrified. They said it was barbaric and cruel. He responded by saying you would only need to do 3 or 4 amputations and the thieving would stop.

I fully agree... Ish.

If criminal guilty beyond doubt, take it off! If there is doubt then usual sentencing.

Then rapists and kiddy fiddlers could have tools of their crime removed too.

As Norman said, only need to do it a few times.

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How's this one grab you? We employed a plumber from an agency for 2 weeks in August to help out on a contract. It turns out he's been going in the local plumbing merchants during September ordering materials for his own house on our trade account to the tune of more than £3K!! Now this is a first for me and I've been in the industry for over 25 years. When we first found a couple of invoices he said it was just a mistake. The we found he'd been in on 13 separate occasions. Called him again and guess what...now he won't answer the phone. The Police have been called and it's in their hands. What I find amazing is he signed for the materials using his own signature!!!!

I met a guy while I was waiting to have my statement taken and things in a police station who told me his story...

He was a builder/plumber/electrician type person and had spent a few weeks extending a guys house, moving the kitchen several feet into the garden and r e fitting the entire kitchen.

First payment cheque bounced, went to collect money again... Several times, long story short the guy took his JCB through the back fence (lowered for access during build and was up again!) and removed as much of the extension and kitchen that he could... 0430am, on a Sunday! Unfortunately he got a jail sentence. However I feel I would've done the same.

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How's this one grab you? We employed a plumber from an agency for 2 weeks in August to help out on a contract. It turns out he's been going in the local plumbing merchants during September ordering materials for his own house on our trade account to the tune of more than £3K!! Now this is a first for me and I've been in the industry for over 25 years. When we first found a couple of invoices he said it was just a mistake. The we found he'd been in on 13 separate occasions. Called him again and guess what...now he won't answer the phone. The Police have been called and it's in their hands. What I find amazing is he signed for the materials using his own signature!!!!


The sad thing with this is you will be stuck with the bill, or the plumbers merchant if they allowed goods out without good process. He will admit the offence and will be found guilty, but unless he has previous he will get a slap on the wrist. Now because he has put it in his home, you will not be allowed to take it out as it will be against his human rights to have no heating. So at best you will get £5 per month compensation.


Many years ago I fitted some tyres to a mans car who bounced the cheque. He refused to make any effort to pay for them, so I went one night and removed all the wheels. Next day police arrive to charge me with theft, after explaining the situation I gave them his wheels without tyres and they took them back to him. I was never charged as in those days common sense was allowed. Now my crime would have been greater.

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In the 1960s if the customer did not pay you were allowed to take back the items supplied, we had a customer who could not pay for a new steering box and demanded that we were breaking the law by not allowing him the car. He must have been one of the first to involve a daily newspaper, some days later the Daily Telegraph contacted us they helpfully explained we were wrong to withhold the car but we could remove all the new parts and were not obliged to refit the old parts. 

Smug customer turns up the following day, we gave him the keys, explained we had removed the steering box and it was in the boot and he had 24 hours to tow the car before we made parking charges, he almost exploded with a string of expletives, it was removed the following day.

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i had a client who didnt pay - so i returned all his wood chip across his car park gate  at 5pm on a friday night blocking all his staff in for the weekend.... it was only 22 tonnes.  Police were called and I relied on the "title of goods not passing until payment received" so it was still his wood........  I did offer to lend him a shovel

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Was in fork lift trucks years ago and dealt with Delphi (GM, car components manufacturer).  They ordered 15 new trucks and we supplied 15 rental trucks while the new ones were built, all which had to be delivered on a certain date at exactly 8:45 AM.


Every day for six weeks prior, I got a phone call from some idiot at Delphi reminding me that the new trucks had to be delivered at that exact date and time.  Every. Single. Day.  It really, really got on my nerves. :angry::swear:


On the day itself, we arrived with all the trucks, bang on time.  At 8:46 I got a call from the idiot, screaming and demanding to know where the trucks were.  "Look out your flaming window, for heaven's sake!  They're the orange and black things with tyres on each corner and pointy things on the front - you'd be blind to miss them!" I replied in utter exasperation - he did so and then hung up without comment. :durr:


We got everything unloaded off the three lorries and handed over, then tried to load up the 15 rental units - and they tried to stop us from doing so.  When I enquired why, they said the MD wanted to see the new trucks first.  Fine, says I, get him down here.  Sorry, he's in a meeting until 2 PM, you'll have to wait.  What, you expect me to keep three lorries and their drivers sitting here for nearly 5 hours while your MD conducts his meeting?  Yes, we do. :bangshead:


Well pal, after six weeks of pointless phone calls about delivering the trucks on time, forget it, we've fulfilled our side of the deal, you've got your new trucks and we're leaving... which is when the MD calls down and orders the barriers to be dropped and us blocked in until he's damn good and ready.  We're now all effectively being held hostage.


Now boiling mad, I tell the delivery drivers to go and block the entrances and exits to the place with their trucks, and then go off for a cup of tea (or two).  This has the desired effect - the MD comes down and 30 minutes later, when he finally manages to find the four of us drinking tea, he screams the house down, to which I calmly reply we have done everything you asked, and you're committing unlawful imprisonment - you have 2 minutes to open the barriers and let us all out, or I phone the police.  He then threatens to cancel the order, so I say fine, we'll take all 30 trucks now and leave you with no way to move your stuff about, bringing your factory to a halt.  Only when I dial 9-9 and finally go for the last 9 does he relent and allow us out, at about 11:15.


Afterwards, I sent him a bill for 6 hours waiting time for the three lorries (3 x 2 hours).  He doesn't think he paid it, but I made sure they did through inflated repair bills.


People never fail to amaze and disappoint me.  It's a sign of society that we are genuinely surprised when we get the excellent service we deserve, or get to deal with nice people.

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My last foray into the laws of lien was many yaers ago and that they dated back to the days before motorised transport.


So, if you stabled a horse and just fed it you could not withhold the horse against payment. However if you "repaired" the horse, fitted a new shoe, you could withhold the horse for payment.


Come up to date and if a garage services a car it cannot keep the car until payment is made. But if a repair is made then the garage can withhold the car for payment.


I have done this several times. On one occasion the owner was able to get at the car and using a spare set of keys drove it away. I had friends in the local nick so the chap was duly arrested for theft of a motor vehicle - his own car! 

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I have a friend who owns a garage up her on Birmingham. He wants me to stay and work for him... That's another story!

But he often has people turn up, gives them a quote, they get work done, they come back and refuse to pay, demanding their car back. His garage is opposite a police station and four or five times a year he has to replace his gates after people have broken in to take their car back.

His son does not have a license and gave the keys to someone, told them to test drive it, come back and pay... Well first time was a mistake! But he's done it a few times!!! Going off topic, same son "borrowed" his BMW M3 and wrapped it around a lamp post... Last week!

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