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Why do they do it?


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I run a small company with 3 vans and 6 employees.

Our vans and tools are critical to our livelyhood.

Last week some one stole the spare wheel off one of our vans, and then early this morning,  some moron broke in and took a load of tools and speacialist diagnostic equipment.

Its not practicle to empty the van each night as most days we are up at 4.30am driving all over the country.


Sometimes i wonder why i bother?

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sign of the times , probly some dope brain had them away and will sell them on for the price of a fix !

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yup boils my p*** ,we really need to make the punishment harsher for the thieving scum that is the only way we will stop it ,chop there fingers off i say ,

 i have just had fitted yesterday two new door bars with enclosed padlocks on the workshop and im fitting a frame to cover the roller shutter door tp try and stop them getting in my workshop , my van only has a toolbox in the back ,i dont think i could sleep at night with all my tools left in the van

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Mmm had a set of wipers and spare wheels stolen twice off the same van / depressing I have to admit :-(

Been a long while since I had a van broken into though

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I was working on my westy, i lost interest when i found out!!

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Robo - Ive had 3 robberies in 14 months - and I have dogs, guns and razor wire - every time they stole all the tools of my trade and now my insurers are refusing theft cover - rural premises and too many losses - hope you get sorted soon mate 

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I agree with Steve, we have got to stop trying to understand people and get back to punishing them. 

One of my staff went inside for a road traffic accident, which was a ridiculous sentence, anyway, he was inside for 9 months and shared his time with various low lifes. To them it was a rest, an occupational hazard, they wear their own clothes have sky tv and three good meals a day. He was s***ting himself at going inside but after the first two days was not under any pressure or anything, nor were those who were in for other crimes. Victims deserved it as they had more than the criminal etc

As for the van, you need to spend good money on extra locks and tool vaults in the back as if it is too hard they will give up and go elsewhere.

The sad thing is once you have been hit this way it will happen again as they know that you will have all new kit next time.

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its not only the scum that thieve our lively hoods its the lowlife buying a £300 Drill for fraction of the price and knowing its just been nicked...aaaggggghhhhh

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One of the many things that really shows that we should adopt a less civilised form of justice system! Let's cut off hands, tattoo "I steal stuff" on people's foreheads and so on. Yes I agree rehabilitation in the Queen's purpose built secure hotels may work... But imagine the money we would save, as a country, if punishment was that harsh people wouldn't consider the crime as worth it.

When the house I live in now was being refurbished the builders left tools in the garage, door open, working in the back of the house and someone walking by nipped in, grabbed a tool box, drill in a case and a few other bits and legged it. All on CCTV, three males, 15-25yrs old (I'll not describe further)... It was reported to the police, who handed a crime number and said "There, now you can go through insurance."

Makes me sick!

I'm moving back to the middle of nowhere! I have a nice collection of machete's (one 40 inch African fighting one with reversed barbs), two Khukuri's, a couple of pistols and a rifle. Pistols/rifles correctly stored, the other bits are strategically displayed around the house. Once in out next house I'm putting razor wire through flower beds and hedges, setting blank firing traps and so on!


Fit one of these under the front bumper, so if tripped it's safe and would scare and intruder!

Mine are rigged right up and out of the way, end of the day you don't want to be arrested for defending your own property!

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yup boils my p*** ,we really need to make the punishment harsher for the thieving scum that is the only way we will stop it ,chop there fingers off i say ,

 i have just had fitted yesterday two new door bars with enclosed padlocks on the workshop and im fitting a frame to cover the roller shutter door tp try and stop them getting in my workshop , my van only has a toolbox in the back ,i dont think i could sleep at night with all my tools left in the van


Agree with all that Steve.  It sounds harsh to some, but you wouldn't need to do it often.


The audacity of some of them is astonishing.  I was speaking to a relative over the weekend who has discovered that someone's been applying for credit cards and seems to be expecting to just pick them out of their mail box when they arrive! (it won't go quite as planned)

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Agree with all that Steve.  It sounds harsh to some, but you wouldn't need to do it often.


The audacity of some of them is astonishing.  I was speaking to a relative over the weekend who has discovered that someone's been applying for credit cards and seems to be expecting to just pick them out of their mail box when they arrive! (it won't go quite as planned)

I've been very lucky, grew up in rural area's, lived Ina couple of small towns and Bristol while at school, moved to Exeter for a couple of years, then joined the army... So inside a secure fence, patrolled by armed guards, and theft is unheard of, for simple reason everyone knows everyone. While in single accommodation stuff would wonder if not chained down! But would be mainly military kit and again all pretty minor. Then the military put me in a civilian house, in Birmingham... Handsworth Wood, I have been assured 20 years ago it was. Nice area, but stopping at a red light could end up in your car being stolen (probably why nobody stops at red lights). Then moved to edgbaston, supposed to be a much nicer are... But not that much better. Many thefts, every house has CCTV, alarm systems, double dead lock front doors, security lights and so on! The guy opposite has been burgled three times in four years and the only thing he does not have is armed guards!

It's sad that we have to use these measures!

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Sadly this is in a rural area too... which has made them a little nervous.


I've also got two more family friends who both want help fitting CCTV in relatively rural areas.  One of them is meant to be sending me a copy of their quote so that I can see what the experts recommend.  I'm genuinely intrigued to see how much these firms charge for it, especially as one of them is technically in Alderley Edge (prime supercar spotting territory) and will have probably had the margin adjusted accordingly 

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Maplins do a wireless CCTV for under £300 that can be viewed from your smartphone and records

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About 20 years ago I was driving home listening to Radio 4 PM programme. There was a studio discussion going on about how to stop the break-ins. A well spoken chap with an Oxbridge accent said that we should do as they do in his country and amputate the left hand of 3 times convicted thieves. Two women in the studio were horrified. They said it was barbaric and cruel. He responded by saying you would only need to do 3 or 4 amputations and the thieving would stop.


I think I agree with him because we haven't been able to stop it in the intervening years.


Whereas, over here we don't seem to have the same problem. My workshop has been wide open for 6 years. I've just got round to fitting a garage door we bought about 2 years ago. 2 cars and thousands of pounds worth of tools were instantly available to anyone who wanted to take anything. Nothing went missing. 

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