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whats he done t****d the stupid german whinging whining squeaky girly crazy frog sounding one fingered f****r in the face ....................oooooh i do hope so

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I don't think "Mark, Sebastian is faster than you" will work that well. They may have to turn his car down remotely :-)

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Why would they need to turn his car down? It will find a way to lose KERS and / or go on fire just fine as usual! I have no problem with Vettel (not his finger - can't see why people get worked up about it) but it would be really nice to see Mark win a good race before he departs for Porsche. Although it would mean another round of Alonso pretending he might still have a chance.

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Why would they need to turn his car down? It will find a way to lose KERS and / or go on fire just fine as usual! I have no problem with Vettel (not his finger - can't see why people get worked up about it) but it would be really nice to see Mark win a good race before he departs for Porsche. Although it would mean another round of Alonso pretending he might still have a chance.

vettel is a  c*** (fact) and a baby (fact)

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I wouldn't think the team would worry as long as they get 1 and 2. Vettel can hardly lose his lead as long as he finishes on the podium.


However, if his car is working properly I would think that Vettel will win without team orders or intervention.

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vettel is a  c*** (fact) and a baby (fact)


Couldn't be further from the truth, and I know him and work with him, which I suspect the people who hold this opinion don't.

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Couldn't be further from the truth, and I know him and work with him, which I suspect the people who hold this opinion don't.

this is the way he comes accross to me and many others  , he has not done himself any favours the last few seasons , blaming webber for accidents that were his own fault and the famous multi 21 incident have not done him any good in my eyes , not a team player just out for himself and does not seem to get punished for it ,and as for the screming crazy frog thing and the finger  ....well

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Protip: Saying everyone else in F1 can't keep up with you and your team because they and their team are all sitting at the edge of the pool with their testicles drooping in the water will not necessarily endear you to all.

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I tend to keep away from F1 threads, everyone's entitled to their opinion and I respect that, and I'll probably make this my last post in this thread.  It's difficult for us to associate with the mentality of a F1 champion, they are wired differently, at times their own lives are less important than winning when they're in the car.  I think it's also occasionally worth remembering that English isn't his first language.  Away from the car Seb is a genuinely nice guy and I felt a little balance was needed as it's easy to assume that the competitive personality you see racing is the whole guy.  In Seb's case it couldn't be further from the truth, I've worked in F1 for nearly 25 years and he remains one of the nicest drivers away from the car that I've met.

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Well said FBB some great points... I for one think he's a great guy. ok he's dropped the ball on occasions and he didn't do himself any favours with the Multi 21 incident. I’m a hugh fan of Mark Webber he's one of the best but you can't blame zee German for all his issues Mark Webber is one of the unluckiest people I’ve come a cross and if I ever see him getting on a flight,ship or train I'm on I will be getting off.


I want  zee German to keep winning titles until he gets to eight then we'll stop talking about a true t**t Schumacher. Four of his titles were by default and as Irvine said in the sky legends doco Schumacher couldn’t set a car up for toffee and that’s why he was out gunned by nico for 2 years


 Agreed the one finger gesture when he wins does my head in and yes I do get sick of him winning, but he's his own man and the team has the best car the only question is why hasn't Mark beaten him and won a world title? Answer: he's not good enough but like Rubens and Massa on the day in equal machinery they've have all beaten the greats...and that’s what Vettel is becoming. Its up to the other teams to get a car fast enough Merc, Lotus & Ferrari have got drivers to do that but not the equipment that can do it consistently.



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Well said Buzz and Fatty Bald Bloke , love or hate him Vetel is one hell of a driver , although it pains me to see him running off with the crown no one out there can stop him .

I would think Red Bull will settle for a 1,2 podium in any order , wont make much difference to vetels championship which is as good as sealed and delivered anyway !

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