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Way O/T - Progress, Lost Priorities and The End of An Era

Captain Colonial

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We started using a milkman about six months ago, and yes hypermarket milk is cheaper but I am prepared to pay a few pence more if it gives a man a job, but his delivery van has to be the noisiest van ever made,

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I have to smile when I see the big  supermarket delivery vans everywhere charging for delivery, and probably extra charges for timed delivery as most of the folk buying everything on line are absent from their homes during hours of daylight. I lived in Canada as a youngster and when you shopped in the supermarkets at the checkout someone packed your goods in the big brown paper bags you see in the old movies, payment was made and you were asked when you would be arriving home and your shopping would be delivered shorty after at no cost. There are very few new ideas around today just old ones with charges!! 

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Likewise, it makes me smile when people remiss about the good old days whilst choosing to overlook that many of the "free" aspects of product/service were already incorporated in the prices charged.  ;)

Ironically the fact that these things were "free" caused their demise as other firms chose to omit them and compete on headline prices instead.  The air travel market is great case study of how to test which things people actually value to the extent that they're prepared to pay for them.

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The air travel market is indeed an on going case study.  Long haul air travel can have now up to an additional 40% increase in cost due to a multitude of crackpot charges first introduced by Virgin to fool the market into thinking their fares were cheaper, now budget airline give the seats away and make 100% profit on charges. Airlines give the excuse they would be loosing money without them but forget they operate their aircraft on totally tax free fuel due to a global agreement which should have long been abolished. Imagine the reduction in our motoring cost if our fuel was tax free. :)  :) :)  

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We recently stopped our milk deliveries as well, after only having them for maybe 3 years.


We had repeat issues of getting milk that was off, milkman blamed on the dairy, and wasn't really interested.  Ended up pouring as much down the drain as we were using.


Final straw came when they couldn't manage to cancel the milk when we are away desperate being advised twice.  Just wasn't worth the hassle in the end which was a shame as it was locally sourced milk delivered by an even more local milkman. 

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