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Mobile Phone Advice Please

Captain Colonial

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Feel a bit like I'm opening up Pandora's box here, but here we go... I know you lot are shy about being forthcoming with your opinions, but I need a new mobile phone.


The grandson and his girlfriend have flow the UK coop, and have just finished a trip to Vietnam, now in Kuala Lumpar until Sunday, then in Langkawi for several days and finally going to live in Melbourne for 1-2 years minimum.  Being self-sufficient little bods that we are, Lady MemSec and I were quite happy with Skype, a BlackBerry and email, but apparently this is now insufficient for the modern whipper snappers of today who can't sit still or stay off my lawn.  Daughter has illuminated Lady MemSec as to the joys of Whatapp and smart phones, and because she wants to keep an eye on grandson (nosey, in other words), she wants me to get one - much to my dread of being further tied to yet another electronic device - but the die is cast.


So...I need a decent smart phone but a good monthly package.  I am not going to send more than 50 texts a month, my iPad serves for most of my Internet needs, and I'm unlikely to spend much time talking on it, maybe an hour a week - maybe - so don't need a package with a squillion texts and 50 hours a month talk time  Likely to do most Internet through the WiFi at home.  There's an attraction that already having an iPad, an iPhone with plenty of memory so it doubles to replace my old iPod too would be good, but I'm not totally desperate to have an iPhone 5, a 4 or 4S would do fine, but I'm open to suggestion.  (In fact, a 4 or 4S would be better as it would fit a couple of iPod docks I have.)  Friends have had horrible luck with EE, so they're out as a network.


So...over to you with your praise and horror stories!  I'll likely be pressurised into shopping for it tomorrow, so your help is appreciated.



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bought the Samsung s3 last year very happy; but battery life is only one day and its at my limit of screen size to carry in my pocket.


although would buy it again.





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Can't you just install whatsapp or Tango or Viber on your Ipad

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Properly unlocked iPhone 4 Scott.  Either Virgin £7 a month for 150mins, unlimited texts and 500mb data, or the market challenging 3 '321' PAYG tariff.  3p per minute, 2p a text and 1p a mb.  Both Sim only deals

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You will be searching for a charging point with whichever phone you go for :down:  :down:


Going from a charge lasting a week to barely 24 hours is a shock! :o  :o

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Can't you just install whatsapp or Tango or Viber on your Ipad


iPad 1 - no camera :(

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You only need a camera if they want to see you ;-)

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bought the Samsung s3 last year very happy; but battery life is only one day and its at my limit of screen size to carry in my pocket.

although would buy it again.



You won't go wrong with Samsung Galaxy S2 3 4.

Or if you've been suckled into the Spple Mac iPad iPod thing then iPhone for total assimilation!

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iPad 1 - no camera :(

is it not possible to connect an external webcam to the ipad1 through the USB adaptor?
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iPads do not have a USB connector, I'm afraid

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iPads do not have a USB connector, I'm afraid

you can buy a USB adaptor that plugs into the ipod connector :)
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Hmmmm, was unaware of such a thing...but can it save me?  Off to check - ta Mark :)

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This is the sort of thing i had in mind


I use one for downloading the photos from my camera, but I wasn't sure if it might be possible for it to take a live feed from an external web cam.

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Another vote for Samsung android is excellent and your not strangled like icrap

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Children and wife all have iphone 4s, were all on Orange but have swapped to a vigin 30 day contract, circa £12-15 month depending upon limits as they were happy with phones. £15 a month is unlimited everything.

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