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extending wifi


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anyone used one of these type things to improve wifi in a different room of their house? the walls in the flat are pretty big and signal can be patchy in rooms away from the router.


other alternative is a tp link thing but i wondered if there would be a problem with signals from the box and router overlapping so to speak.






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I have a problem too - looking forward to seeing suggestions. :)

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Any wi fi extender will do its job, which is the best I don't know, trial and error I'm afraid.   You will have 2 wireless signals appearing on your laptop/smartphone and they should connect to the strongest signal available depending which room your are in.

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We use a lot of Devolo dLan 500s when installing WiFi enabled TV and audio systems: http://www.devolo.co.uk/microsites/wifi/index-uk.html?gclid=CMCF5_Pi-rkCFTMctAodN1MAeQ


We find them very reliable and stable. When set up correctly, the switch from one WiFi signal to another is seamless. It also gives one (or more depending on the model used) RJ45 connections in the room for wired equipment.


There are lots of these devices on the market and we have tried some of the others and found them not so stable or reliable.

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You could try the Ethernet-Over-Mains thingies


They seem to work well.

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I use a netgear one (same principle) and it works great - my router is in office on back of garage and my netgear sits in a plug in the corner of lounge and I have a full strength signal throughout house and garden :-)   my phone etc just hook-up to strongest signal

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I have had 3 Netgear WN1000RP units and they have been disastrous, dropping the internet connection all the time.  Signal strength and link rate not too good either.  Switched to a Netgear WN3000RP which is superb.  Twice as far from the router, gives me 100% wifi signal on the devices I am wanting to extend to and the link rate is 5-6x the WN1000RP.  WN3000RP currently £39 from PC World.  It's a decent price and IME it was good that I bought the WN1000RP from them 'cos their customer service has been great - no quibble exchange of the WN1000RP twice (first time when 7 months old) then allowed me to upgrade.  You won't get that service on eBay and it may be necessary with this sort of kit. These are very easy to setup too.

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Yep another vote here for a Netgear 3000 - great strong signal no drop-outs (yet) :d

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Possibly but likely complicated - unless you are good with static IP addresses etc.  Not sensible to daisy chain them as each one halves the bandwidth (it has to both receive and transmit).  But unless your house is enormous you won't need more than one.  I also use TPLink powerline adaptors for the video stream from my NAS to the WDTV Live box (and this lives happily with the wifi extender).  Probably don't need the TPLink now but the WN1000 wouldn't stream fast enough.  Probably would be OK with the 3000 but I'm not going to try to fix it when it ain't broken.  

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My Boys bought me a ipad mini for a recent birthday and could barely find a signal around the house away from the router, I paid £80 for a powerline adaptor as my local pc shop recommended. My problem was having a minimal signal would not allow the powerline adaptor to take over and change the IP address unless I walked outside away from the house.  I returned it for a full refund and they sold me a £30 TP Link range extender which using the same IP address overcame the problem. ipads  do seem to be notoriously difficult handling weak signals compared to laptops, I made the mistake of taking it on holiday recently, big mistake.

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Setup gigabyte network using tp-link power line adaptors feeding apple airport extreme units to give wifi and additional lan connects. iPhone's and iPads work seemlesly all round house Internet tv's and airport printer all connected.

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Another vote for TPLink i have 2 of these http://www.amazon.co.uk/TP-Link-TL-WPA281-Wireless-Powerline-Extender/dp/B0067GS0YO (so 3 hotspots including the router on different channels but same SSID) and 3 which are just the ethernet type for PS3 and TV streaming. Its worth noting you need at least one attached to your router to 'feed' the network which is why they tend to come in kits.

Allows me to get strong wireless in the garage :-) :-)

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  • 1 month later...

Just bought the devolo home wifi and installed straight out the box and significantly improves my home wifi speed in the distant rooms from the router. thanks for the suggestion

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