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parking ticket


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right then , have a car parked on the verge outside the unit , car is for sale and is in daily use

the car is about six foot back from the kerb parked on the grass verge ,behing the car is another 8ft of verge then a pavment (never used) then another 5ft of verge to a large brick wall (truck parking area) we look after the verge ,cut the grass ,keep it tidy from litter etc ,anyway today we get a parking ticket even though the car is on the verge away from the road ,

I told the officer that we look after the verge etc and we have had cars parked on there before and never had any trouble so why now and after officers had been passed before while cars had been parked there and we had no trouble

he said the highway is from the centre of the road to the wall at the side of the road behing about 30 ft of verge

seems a bit odd to me and way over the top from the officer , we asked why he did not just ask us to move it , he said that's not his job

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As before wuv, call your local councillor and protest, same thing happened to me and the neighbours years ago, no on-street parking available, original 10' wide grass verge between road and pavement replaced by tarmac to save costs but driveways left from road as people used to park in front of their homes on their property, council then encourages people to rebuild property boundary walls to original appearance and everyone parks on verge, then some jumped-up traffic warden or parking enforcement official or danny dipstick or whatever they're called comes along and doles out 30 tickets one afternoon, excrement hits fan big style, now told they will "turn a blind eye to it" even though it's not legal, gee thanks, mighty big of you, muppets one and all, protest wuv, say fine, if that's the way you want it, you can come and maintain the grass verge yourselves, as you will explain to the editor of your local rag, oh are there any no parking signs and were any warnings given, if not, tell them to sit and spin


/written in diplofat style for his pleasure

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ta wuv :laugh:


no , no parking signs at all , we have a guy from the council coming down to view it and have told them we expect them to keep the verge tidy and grass cut from now on

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Think you'll find the council will give you a b*****king for selling off the verge anyway, I had something very similar happen down here :(

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Think you'll find the council will give you a b*****king for selling off the verge anyway, I had something very similar happen down here :(

Ahem .. yeah, don't mention the 'selling' bit, just the 'parking here with no issues up until now' bit, lol! :laugh:

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Steve, was this a police officer or a council parking attendant (revenue raiser)

If it was the council, kindly remember you voted them in to look after your interests.

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All the parking wardens seem to defend their attitude by saying "we are here to educate people on the parking laws, not just to give out fines" -------Yeah right!     

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If there are no parking restriction signs and you weren't obstructing a pavement and not in an obviously dangerous position - I don't see how they can issue you with a ticket.


You need to appeal to the local authority and, if that fails, take it to the Traffic Penalty Tribunal -




Whatever you do wuv - don't just accept it.


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The local councils don't allow parking on verges either. Cars are supposed to be on the black stuff only.   I've been done for it as well several times in my work van, luckily I don't have to pay, the company does.

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Sooty - agreed but if this is the case there have to be signs visible to that effect.  Otherwise a ticket cannot be issued and, if it is, it must state what law or byelaw has been broken.

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Sooty - agreed but if this is the case there have to be signs visible to that effect.  Otherwise a ticket cannot be issued and, if it is, it must state what law or byelaw has been broken.

Thats going to wash with a Council, it's just not practical to put up signs on every bit of public greenspace.

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Not sure a narrow strip of grass next to the road can be classed as "public green space"

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