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Brooklands Museum - PICCIES NOW ADDED

Cleggy the Spyder Man

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The next official outing is to Brooklands on the 13th of october which coincides with their Automn Motorsport Day


All areas very welcome to come and join us :t-up:


Peterborough area meet at mine at 8.00am


Cambridge area meet at Tesco's Milton near Cambridge just off the A14 at 8.00am


Then both groups meet up at Tony's house in Sandy down the A1 at 9.00am ish - PM me or EMAIL me for details (clegghowe@hotmail.com)


Once all gathered we will make our way down there - it's a bit of a trek and all dual /motorway so I will propbaly be taking the tin top and maybe the kids?


Edited: wife and kids will be in tow :d


More info here on the Autumn Motorsport Day http://www.brooklandsmuseum.com/index.php?/events/details/autumn-motorsport-day1/


:cool: :cool: :t-up: :t-up:

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Hmm, I might pop over for this if I have nothing else on and as it's only 20 miles from home ;)  


a day at Brooklands is always well spent as no matter how often you visit you always seem to spot something you missed the last time :t-up:

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Nice one Pete :t-up:


Likely to be busy do you think? Ok to get tickets on the day?

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Sadly I doubt I will be out again this year....Cam belt decided it didn't like being attached to my engine.  Going to take head off, but I suspect this is an omen that I need a more powerful engine (if Santa likes me).

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Nice one Pete :t-up:


Likely to be busy do you think? Ok to get tickets on the day?


There's usually a good crowd for their event days like this but it's a big venue and at this time of year there should be plenty of room, as to tickets on the day I'm not sure so best give them a ring and check as I've usually gone mid-week and outside school holidays when you can wander around easily...

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Thanks Pete - will give them a ring when I have a bit more idea of numbers

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and a BTTT

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I'll get an email out to my lot and come back to you...

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Thanks Andy and Tony

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Hope to be there. Will we be able to park in brooklands or will we need to be in the adjacent public parking?

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Sorry for not posting sooner, Not sure if I will be able to make this will know more towards the end of the week.

So thats a maybe  :oops:

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Good stuff chaps - looks like there should be at least half a dozen of us


Looking forwards to a good wonder around :t-up:


@David - no idea on the parking?

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Hi all


Getting closer now - got a handful of folk confirmed - looking forwards to it


09.00 Gates open
09.00-11.00 MB World Track signing on
10.00 Museum displays and aircraft open
11.00 MB World Track Drivers’ briefing
12.00-13.00 MB World Track demo
13.00 Silver Arrows demo at MB World
Brooklands_Museum_Autumn_Motorsport_John14.00 Test Hill Drivers’ briefing
14.45-15.30 Test Hill
17.00 Event and Museum closed


This is a premium event, so entry charges are £12 for adults, £11 for seniors, £6 for children aged 5-16, under 5s free and a family ticket is £32.  Tickets for Brooklands Trust Members and members of LBPT are £2.  Please note that advance discounted tickets are not available for this event - please pay on the da

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Tony look >>>>>>>  "£11 for seniors" :p :p :laugh: :laugh:

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