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Do the Golden Circle and be sure to take in Gullfoss waterfall it's better than Niagara.  Thats within easy distance of Reykjavik.  But by far my favourite place was Jokulsarlon.  It's a lagoon where a glacier meets the sea.  Black sand beach with big chunks of white ice on it + a grey sea with eggshell blue chunks of ice floating out into it.  Absolutely stunning and amazing but it's about 5 hours drive from Rekjavik.  National speed limit is 90kph and I'd advise you not to speed - I did and it cost me almost 400 euro in an on the spot fine!


Pics here


You can also take a boat or DUKW ride.  And you pass a couple of stunning other glaciers on the way.  We enjoyed a few hours at the blue lagoon - expensive but discount vouchers usually in tourist mags.  Check out the bridge between two continents too.

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Isn't Icemand one of the few countries with many more woman under 30 than men ?

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I agree with Stuart about the glacial lake. We slept in the car their so we were treated to an Aurora over it at night and was up shooting before sunrise. It's breathtaking watching tons of ice slowly moving across the lake and the sound of it creaking, cracking, and colliding with either other is amazing

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Went 10 years ago for a short break in February. Loved it. Some random commetns/memories for you in no particular order...


Did the Superjeep thing which was brilliant.

Drink is fiercely expensive.

Can recommend the Hotel Borg smack in the middle of Reykjavic but avoid their restaurant unless you have deep pockets. When I went it was £15 for a bowl of soup.

Did the classic tourist trip of the Golden Circle and have to say, it's the first time I have ever been driven sideways with lots of op lock in a 60 seater coach - very impressed.

When we arrived, bimbling along in the mini bus from the airport and was struck by two things straight away, the landscape is like bl**** Mordor, and they have an interesting traffic rule about overtaking.

Also noteworthy in the winter is just how much grip you get from studded tyres....plays havoc with the road surface though.


Must go back one day - it was a really fantastic trip.

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