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Thinking of selling...

Mat Jackson

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After 10 years of ownership I am thinking of selling the Westie and getting something a bit more useable. Is a really toug decision, as I built her 10 years ago...

Problem is I only do a few hundred miles a year, and it would be nice to have something the kids can come out in a little easier. Head says yes sell it, heart is yet undecided...

If I sell, probably looking at a vx220 NA. Always liked them, and there are good prices at the moment....

Any comments to help me make my mind up.....

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I can see exactly where you are coming from. I always look at selling up for a BoxsterS on the basis I'd use it more but the Westfield is such an experience I just don't think I'd do it. The fact it's pretty cheap to own the Westfield and do very few miles is another plus point. I don't know if I'd feel different if I had children and didn't feel I could take them out in it due to the lack of windscreen etc though.

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 it would be nice to have something the kids can come out in a little easier. Head says yes sell it, heart is yet undecided...

If I sell, probably looking at a vx220 NA. Always liked them, and there are good prices at the moment....

Any comments to help me make my mind up.....


Having not been able to use the car quite as much as I'd like over the past few months, I've been through that same loop a lot recently.


Most of the times when I think I could have used a (slightly) more practical 2-seater I actually couldn't.  The reason being that family plans change at the last minute (or part way through the day) in ways that result in unexpected extra passengers.  


A lot of days also seem to involve having passengers swap around between cars, which would cause problems with child seats (either having them in the right location when you need them, or finding somewhere to stash them when you don't!).


I've come to the conclusion that the only thing that would work would be a 2+2, most likely a GT, but that wouldn't provide the entertainment that the Westie does so there's no easy solution.

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I'm really in two minds. The Westie is awesome to drive, perfect as a fast road car and great for getting away from it all. The closest thing to a motorbike I'll ever get.

But, I don't use it enough.... This year I went to the Sunday breakfast club at Shelsley Walsh. A fantastic 2 hour blat, but on my own. Had I had a Vx220 or an Elise the drive wouldn't have been quite as fun but my 5 yr old could have come with me. Similarly the wife and I go away every yr for our anniversary (without kids), and had we had a vx220 we would have gone in that and enjoyed it.

So, Westie is much more fun and engaging, but is used less. A slightly less fun cars used a lot more probably means more fun overall....

But, the Westie seems too nice to sell. It is mint.....

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I've recently sold my Westi and bought a vx220

Turbo - enjoying it a lot , still fairly hard core but much more useable , been out in the rain several times !!

I did look at Boxsters and Z4's but the VX is faster and hopefully will hold its value .Mrs Hammy much happier to go out in it and we've done some trips out which she would not have liked in the westie - I've done more miles in the VX this year than I did in the westie.

On the downside - far less tinkerable , not so close to the road, club scene not so good. Cars for different uses really !

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Don't, worry about the club scene, we have 4 members bought VX220 and another with an Elise in the Sussex club and stayed members. I bought my my  Westie  when it was 6 years old with 3000 miles, it's now 9 years old with 8000 miles. I bought it as arthritis in my left hand and leg was causing me problems riding a motorbike, whatever thoughts I have about parting with it are soon dispelled every time I use it.      

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In fact a better idea is to take out the passenger seat, then use it for 6am Sunday blasts only. Quality time away from the family :d

My thoughts exactly!

I'm thinking about selling mine, them getting a Mega S2000, full cage, no weather gear or screen, tillet CF seats... Etc. then I can only use it when roads are dry and clear! But once out of Birmingham and back in Dorset I'll probably just keep mine, save £30k and by a speed boat! Sorry to say, Birmingham's destroyed my car one two many times, and it's wearing thin now.

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I have major health issues since being run over and I'll never drive the :yellow-westy: in Birmingham. But waited so long to own one and I love driving it. Mrs C loves Sunday blatt's across the Jurassic coast and south Devon coast. So worth holding into it until I move. The whole point of the :yellow-westy: for me is the garage is MY zone and Mrs C and kids are banned. So if I'm getting moaned at I go find something to do with the :yellow-westy: and it gives me the peace and space I need. I'll never drive it while angry, same as I'd never ride a bike while angry. Had mates not come back from angry ride outs... Plus have enough issues in Birmingham when just tottering about!!!

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well you maybe have two options


1. Simply use the car more as you say you enjoy it when you do - use it in different ways (track days, blats, touring - maybe you already do all of those?)


2. Sell and move one - with 10 years under your belt there's no reason not to go try something else although local members have gone onto Elise/VX/MX5 and whilst fun, one has already sold the VX, one has sold the MX5 and the other is looking to do an engine swap on the Elise because it aint quick enough


maybe a total change of direction is the way to go - so rather than an VX which is trying to do the things a westy will do, but in a not so much fun way, how about going for a TVR or similar for a different sort of drive?

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 Mrs C loves Sunday blatt's across the Jurassic coast and south Devon coast. 


Given previous posts about how nervous Mrs C was when you gave the existing car the full beans, changing to a caged helmet wearing car with the best part of a hundred more bhp might put an en end to those Sunday blats possibly?


The caged Mega S2000 is stunning track car, but you reckoned you were off track days now?


Id think quite carefully about what you want from the car, if its going to be more a social and pleasure thing, Id think carefully about the choice of upgrades and mods. 

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well you maybe have two options


1. Simply use the car more as you say you enjoy it when you do - use it in different ways (track days, blats, touring - maybe you already do all of those?)


2. Sell and move one - with 10 years under your belt there's no reason not to go try something else although local members have gone onto Elise/VX/MX5 and whilst fun, one has already sold the VX, one has sold the MX5 and the other is looking to do an engine swap on the Elise because it aint quick enough


maybe a total change of direction is the way to go - so rather than an VX which is trying to do the things a westy will do, but in a not so much fun way, how about going for a TVR or similar for a different sort of drive?


It does seem that most of those who miss/regret loosing the Westfield are those that have tried to get something similar but different, IYSWIM. Cleggy makes a very good point about just going for something completely different.

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Oh, and as also said earlier, we get a variety of Elise's, and even a stripped out, (though it may just be the bits have fallen off  :laugh:  :p ) mk2 MR2 at the Cheshire meets as well as the Westfields.


I always feel we're all just petrol heads at heart.

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Why is your westy not suitable for your kids? My 7 year old nephew loves going out in the 'rocket'.

Perhaps you could make yours more habitable? If you run an aero screen, adding a windscreen and doors will make it more child friendly.

This year I put an aero screen on mine and whilst it makes for a more intense driving experience, it also discourages passengers. Being able to swap between the two screens, easily, is important to keeping it useable for me.


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I have strayed away 3 times now and keep returning, first time I sold mine and bought a 6 month old Elise SC , I had never driven one but loved the looks, still do , but I  hated it,managed 500 miles in it,  was actually more uncomfortable than the westy, wasnt quick and just didnt have the involvement that I was looking for, I sold and bought a CSR260 Caterham, after a year I sold that and bought an S2000 Honda, that was one of the worst cars Ive owned was slow, noisy gutless and skitty on the roads . I then bought a 2005 Porsche Boxster 3.2s and that car I really liked, had a nice feel, made a nice noise was comfortable  and I found myself and Mrs c doing more road miles in it than we ever did in a 7,downside was the 2 seats, so I then decided on getting a 911 cab so I could take the little one with us and use the car more , that was a mistake, the Boxster was twice the car and I never gelled with the 911, we were sat in Hexham one day on a day out and I heard the sound of a Caterham coming down the street,throttle bods roaring away and that planted the seed again , I came home watched some vids on you tube and the 911 was up for sale and I bought my current car, due to lack of use I put it up for sale in the summer but last few weeks I have been getting back out in it and after a trackday on Friday I have cancelled the advert. 


I have been around in circles trying to find a car that ticks all boxes and it doesnt exist, the closest i have come is my current car, we use it during the week when the kids are at school for a day out and its great, Caterhams have soft springs so ride the bumps well, It has a heater screen and doors but is equally at home on track i just pop an aeroscreen on . If I sold my current car I was considering another Boxster or more steering towards a BMW Z4M as they are mechanically better than the Porsche , both cars can be bought around £10k. 

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