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oh dangler


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Well thanks to white van man who left me little choice between having a head on down a county lane pr going in to the ditch/tree . I chose the tree

Result equals one bent Westfield and one broke arm both of which i hope will recove

My car is at recovery center awating me to sort her out and I have just had some upgrades to my arm. Aparently carbon was not available and I have had to make do with titanium.

Big thanks to the paramedics , nhs and the police for helping me out. Really a top class service from crash to surgery in six hour's

When I get better I will post the photos of the six foot three Cooper trying to get in a narrow westy.

Now where is that nurse

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At least your on the mend and its not the beginning of summer with a broken car

Get well soon

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Get well soon. The car can wait, you're far more important.

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Get well soon, the car is the easy bit, concentrate on yourself for the moment.


All the best



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Wow, really very sorry to read this indeed, trees usually win those arguments, just glad you're alive and on the mend, which is by far the most important thing.  Get well soon. :(

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All the best to you and trust you both get mended soon.

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as already said get yourself better the car is the easy bit

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  • 4 weeks later...

well thought i should post a little update, as it has been an eventful couple of days as far as my westfields and my slightly dented arm are concerned.


the good news is my arm has made a good recovery and is back to 80% mobility and not suffering from a secondary infection as i had a bit of a scare and the possibility that the titanium plate might have had to be removed :o  but a course of horse sized antibiotics capsules has seen that right.  give it a another few weeks of physio and I should be almost as good as new. i have now returned to work and am on light duty's. and importantly can now drive the tin top and wipe my own  :arse: with my right hand lol


The not so good news is my car has been confirmed as uneconomical to repair :cry:  , but i think i have been lucky as the insurance assessor who attended the westfield factory to confirm the damage was very knowledgeable and appeared to be a bit a bit of a petrol head and has agreed a realistic valuation of the car.


So the big question is what do i get next, no rush as the arm will take a while and so will the cheque . 


when i get the finer details sorted out and get my payout i will post the spec of the car up in the members only section as i have a feeling it might well end up on a well know auction site so it might be interesting to someone for parts or as a repair project.


I did inquire about the salvage value of the car with a view of braking it but there would have been little return if i were to sell parts at a price i would have been happy charging


so off to trawl the classifieds for shinny new toys     :yes:


thanks for all your help



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Policeman, "I've always wanted to drove one of these---------------Oh fook, I can't get out!"

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Glad you're alright. Physio is painful but worth doing got 100% back when they said I'd be lucky to get 50. Sorry about car but hopefully ins will sort it out. Photo is great.

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