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How many westfields at work

black st

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We have 30 employees and 3 westys can anyone beat that?

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66% of our staff have Westfields :yes:

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22 on this site and me and Jacko on FCC Sutton Courtenay Landfill Ops and MRF Engineering so 2 westfields!!

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There are three of us that take them to work. Not sure if there are more owners. But there are something like 4,000 people in the building so not a great hit rate! Now if you were talking miserable BMW 2.0 diesels....

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I'm now considered Tri Services, so sure there's a fair few!

However I have to admit that I saw one in Germany, they were and officer and only used it occasionally. They had speakers behind the seats and a stereo (old car radio, not even tape) mounted in the dash and would be listening to BFBS (British Forces Broadcasting Station) quite loudly. Sounded like a right CHAV until I followed him onto an autobahn once (I was on Ducati 916r) and his exhaust pretty much drowned out my bike... Speed didn't though!

Back on subject, I'll soon be running a similar thing to Norman, so would be one owner, plus one owner's wife. But potentially a few westfield's... If I can find somewhere to hide them!

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250 staff and four westys not a bad ratio. Two zetecs one duratec and a crossflow . But only ever seen two in the carpark at once. Keep saying we should have a works blat but never have the time to get round to it

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one employee and 10 westfields :laugh:  :laugh:

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one employee and 10 westfields :laugh:  :laugh:


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1 Westfield that i know about and one of the other things too :)

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