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My Rant For Today

Captain Colonial

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All this reminds me of my lad, bless him.

He was in school, Ilford County High one of last Grammar schools left. He and his friend asked to join the computer club for the 6th formers (they were in the first form at the time). They were refused. So the hacked in and changed all the passwords. Next day they were allowed to join.

Heard of people doing this type of thing.

When the online admin for the military was in its infancy I know of a few people that attempted to "Hack Into" the system, to test the security.

I went through the terminals when I was "duty keys" and in charge of making sure the area was secure, tried a couple of obvious passwords (children/partners names, dates of birth, obvious things like ihatepasswords or letmein) and if I got into a terminal I would change the backdrop to

"Please read your security policy and pay attention to the password selection section."

But if someone had not logged off I would email certain people informing them that they have not logged off and feel that the removal of free time at weekends would be beneficial to the enforcement of the importance of security.

However... Backfired the one time I had to get away for something important, at short notice, and did not log off!!! For six weeks I did not have a day off!

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Good rant Scott...remember though Microsoft is like syphilis once you've got it you can't get rid of it,every now and then if comes back with a new rash and irritates the fooooking hell out of you.


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Too right there, Buzz  :yes:  :swear:  :bangshead: 

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