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My Rant For Today

Captain Colonial

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Software updates... :angry:  :bangshead:


I have had the week from Hell with software updates on my main computer, so I'd like to rant at three companies:


> Microsoft: What the Hell is wrong with you people?  I had my computer configured to automatically install updates from Microsoft (as recommended by you), and spent hours and hours caught in a loop where the stupid computer would try to install an update, fail and lock, refuse to shut down forcing me to power down manually, restarting and repeating the process all over again.  I had to finally start in Safe Mode,do three different System Restores, search to find out how to switch from auto update to manual update, then install 20 updates one by one until I found out which update it was choking on (IE 10 - which I don't use because it sucks) so I could do another System Restore from Safe Mode and refuse the update.  If you're going to set up an auto update system, do it so it checks the software already on your hard drive to see if the update will cause a conflict, you idiots.


> Apple: Stop trying to get me to update iTunes every time you come up with version 11.05.00000000002 or whatever that features the most minuscule change known to man by making me install a 60Mb new version of the entire program.  Also, if you bury an option in iTunes that lets the user turn off the auto update (see Microsoft) so deep that it takes an hour to find it, it's pretty infuriating when you do turn off auto update and nothing changes.  Knock it off - my iTunes works and I don't want your poxy weekly updates that take 30 minutes to install.


> Trusteer Rapport: You know, for a company that produces free software to secure my computer, you do it in a damn funny way.  You download a completely new version without telling me at all, generating new icons and processes that make my alarm bells ring because I think my computer's under attack, then you make sure it makes my browser (Firefox) so unstable that it crashes after 30 seconds.  Then when I try to uninstall your flaming program, it won't do so completely, leaving bits behind and further destabilising my computer, whacking my CPU usage meter to 100% and slowing everything to a crawl.  Here's a tip for you - if you make a program that's so buggy that you have to create a special removal tool that has to be searched for online using a different browser and downloaded to remove it, you've made a rubbish program.


Not been a good week in front of the screen at Casa MemSec... :swear:  :bangshead:  :angry:  :no:

Rant over...

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5 out of 10 for that rant wuv :yes:

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5 out of 10 for that rant wuv :yes:


Too tired for a proper rant wuv, this nonsense has taken me about 15 hours to sort, added to being in the middle of the silly season on all fronts, being unwell, and lots of other rubbish, my heart isn't completely in it, not enough energy, but feel a little better now, will try harder next time :yes:



sorry, only 4 from me as way too little swearing... :)


Oh **** off, you **** old ****ing **** git :angry:


Better? ;)  :laugh:  :t-up:

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Better, now breathe.


Bob :d  :d

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Scott, download Revo Uninstaller.  It's free and uninstalls all the leftover bits as well.  Good bit of software.


Couldn't agree more about iTunes

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Be careful, memsec, you'll be banning yourself for bypassing the swear filter. :)

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Be careful, memsec, you'll be banning yourself for bypassing the swear filter. :)


Oooo, don't get me started on that one Norman.  It was the default set up backstage that Administrators were not affected by the swear filter.  Result?  Anyone could swear and it was published, but the filter took 15 minutes to catch it before changing it.  Took weeks to figure out that glitch. :bangshead:

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I'm glad it wasn't just me that thought Trusteer Rapport had slowed the machine to a snails pace!

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I'm glad it wasn't just me that thought Trusteer Rapport had slowed the machine to a snails pace!


I'm sorry it wasn't just me! :(

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I'm just off now to try and completely remove the blinking thing before I have to bolt a supercharger to the side of the laptop to speed it up again!  :o  :laugh:  :laugh:

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MemSec, here's a two minute solution to the dreaded failed windows update.

If you go to the Windows folder on your C: drive you will find a folder called Softwaredistribution. In there is a sub folder called Download. Delete everything in this folder to stop the repeated attempt to update.

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I spent most my Uni life going through people's laptops and sorting them out. Pre nursing I was a sys eng tech and many geeky mates showed me a few things! I sorted laptops in my flat one week... Within 6 months the block... Then it seemed like everyone on campus!

Just wish I could remember what I did exactly... Not done it in a few years, been using Mac for three years and find them far superior. But gone the days of building PC's, rebuilding, upgrading and so on... My Mac's just work and do as I ask.

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All this reminds me of my lad, bless him.


He was in school, Ilford County High one of last Grammar schools left. He and his friend asked to join the computer club for the 6th formers (they were in the first form at the time). They were refused. So the hacked in and changed all the passwords. Next day they were allowed to join.

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