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BBQ on the beach - Sunday 1st September

Cleggy the Spyder Man

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Hi all -


a reminder about the BBQ on the beach at Brancaster on Sept Sunday the 1st -


Usual meet up points - 10am at mine for the Peterborough (PE7 3NR) based chaps and the Cambs lads at the same time at Tescos in Milton Cambridge...


Then converge at Arbuckles Cafe just outside of Downham Market at 11am ... once all together a tootle out to Brancaster for some top BBQ food as
prepared by Chaz -


All you need to do is bring some meat to sling on the fire (all sauces and rolls etc will be provided) so who's in? and I shall bring cake that will be cut on the back of my car as is tradition :d


oh and if anyone has a cricket set, bats, balls, baseball etc etc then feel free to bring them along - why not bring wifes and kids :t-up:


If you need any further details give a ring on 07809 516659 or drop me a PM


1. Chaz - MX5

2. Me - Westfield

3. Tony - Westfield

4. Paul - Westfield

5. Bryan - SR2

6. Dave - Elise

7. Kev (maybe) - MK

8. TrohpyJem - Westfield

9. Nathan - Westfield

10. Mark - MX5 or Ferrari

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and a BTTT

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heeelllooooooooooo anyone out there :d

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heeelllooooooooooo anyone out there :d


It's only Friday everyones sill looking at the weather forcast  :d

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Forecast not too bad - dry anyway

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I have done my good deed for today and in the process may have another car coming with us to the beach

see you in the morning

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Ok chaps.


A quick reminder.


A map for Brancaster beach is on the link https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=brancaster+beach&hl=en&ll=52.96172,0.649738&spn=0.04105,0.111494&hq=beach&hnear=Brancaster,+Norfolk,+United+Kingdom&t=m&fll=52.9611,0.665102&fspn=0.04105,0.111494&z=14


The car park is on the right as you approach the beach and is £4.00 for the day.


High tide is as follows.


Sunday September 1st. 

AM high tide @ 04:15 at 7.1M

PM high tide @ 16:48 at 7.1M


This is important as the coast road can flood if the tide goes over 8.4m.

At 7.1M there will be some minor flooding on the coast road

As you enter the car park please take note of the recommended exit time, this is normally written on a white board by the car park attendants caravan.


Once you park up proceed to the beach (it's obvious which way you go) and the BBQ will be set up on the right of the beach entrance as you walk around the rocks/sea defences to the right of the entrance.

We should be no more than 50 meters along and probably close to the top of the beach/dunes.

The BBQ will be ready to cook on by 13:00.

It's a charcole BBQ so hopefully it'll cook all your stuff ok.


I will be providing;


Condiments (sauces)


Some Buns.


You need to bring some meat, some drinks and something to eat off (if a napkin won't do)

If you don't want to sit on the sand you'll need a chair of some sort.


If you need to chat give me a bell on the usual number.



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Its about time you changed the avatar piccy Chaz

it was a seven

then a 220

its now a 5

Get it changed    ;)  :laugh:

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